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I keep respawning dead.

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cHi there,

I got killed by zombies couple hours ago and even got the message " You are dead " but then when I try join a server I always appear dead as shown in the pic:


I can't press Escape, there is no key in the board that has an action. All I can do is alt+del+ctrl and start the game again but I keep respawning dying and then as shown in the image.

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Same, any way to force respawn cant play game cause of this.

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You're not dead, just unconcious as punishment for logging out too short after recieving damage. Simply wait 3 minutes.

You're only really dead when you see the dayz-logo.

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ah ok so i cant log out after i get a headshot , andh ave the screen "your dead " please return to .....

so 3 minutes wait ? shure ?


btw in now online with that charackter over 30 minutes only laying on the ground nothing happend .

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Hmm, in that case it must be a bug.

Also, the punishment I was talking about is just for logging out after taking damage (or after dealing damage to a player), not if you actually die.

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I was dead broken bones bleeding out being eating and screen saying i was dead.

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NOW AFTER 1.30 hours im finally dead ... again and now i can rejoin ok just stay logged to solve the problem

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Same Problem for me.Trying all since 2 Days.

Tried to get to waiting for server response and then press respawn,but i always join directly.

Tried to wait till the Hour Glass is down but i always loosing connection after an Hour more or less.

What now? Buy Arma OA again till the Bug comes back,and then buy it again and again ... ?

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Oh man. This is completely preventing me from playing the game -- on ANY server. =(

This is horrible. Help, someone!


At random, you will log into a server dead, with an hourglass up on the screen. This hourglass unfortunately does NOT go away. It is fully white, and does not count down.

The hourglass also blocks all input to the game -- even the escape key. You have to Alt-F4 in order to leave the game; and that is the only thing you can do.

If you're lucky enough to be bleeding out, then this problem will fix itself whenever your Blood level reaches 0. That is, unless you're me, and your bleeding stops at 4800. =(

I am no longer bleeding out, and I cannot do anything. My character data is the same on every server; therefore I cannot play the game.

PLEASE, if anyone knows any workaround, please post it. I'm currently listening to my friends have an absolute blast without me. =( The only thing I could possibly do right now is to setup a brand new Steam account and re-buy the game.

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Same problem here, exact same symptoms as above. Total gamebreaker unfortunately :(

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I have reset health data for ALL characters

Please report if this now works

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Roger, please do continue to post this stuff asap if it happens. It probably was affecting a large number of other people.

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Unfortunately, it didn't work. It did, however, go horribly wrong. Here's what happened:



I respawned, but as you can see, it's quite weird. I killed myself and respawned -- same thing. I also didn't spawn by the coast, which was strange. Am I a zombie? =)

Could you please manually delete my specific data? (Heck, delete all of my data.) I'll provide any info you need; my Steam ID is STEAM_0:0:3442654 and I play as "Sillysaurus" in game. I'm trying to play on server "NY 3". Thank you in advance!

I can kill myself as quickly as I want. I also appear on the scoreboard in a strange way:


I don't respawn near the coast. I have nothing in my inventory. I spawn in the middle of the wilderness somewhere. At least I'm walking around now, though...

I've been showing off my amazing "kill-self-every-4-seconds" skill, and it's impressed the local population. After giving proof of my superior powers, a bunch of people spoke up and said they were suffering from the same/similar things.


He then mentioned that when this bug hit him, he was "invisible". I hadn't thought to check. So I went 3rd person, and sure enough, I am the most effective ninja in the world:


Another player chimed in and said it was due to the "character holding server" being down, and that it would fix itself whenever that server is restored, and that I won't be able to log in to any other server either.

So I asked him "this is a distinct, separate bug from the hourglass bug?" and they responded with a resounding "Yes, you're a fat unlucky idiot who has managed to experience both game-breaking bugs with no workarounds".


At least I've gotten a high score on the scoreboard -- 36 deaths! Woo! I am a legion of depressed highschool students.


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Same issue here. Figured I'd add on here in hopes of getting a health/character reset.

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This is happening to me presently. Exact same issue as described in several posts above. Any help?

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would the admin be able to do what he did before for the other players as i really wish to play the mod but this hourglass 'bug' isn't letting me

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