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Munson_fry (DayZ)

The best thing in Day Z : Unconscious

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Thats the thing thats get my pulse raging more than anything else... 



Yesterday i was stroling down the coast fron cherno to elektro.


When i saw elektro, suddenly the urge of having a second protector box, got so strong in me that i couldnt resist visiting the firestation.

AND because of the forum whining ( Elektro is dead ... everybody is in berezino ... where is everybody ... ect. ) i was willing to take the risk. 

so i sneaked through the city ninya style. listening for footsteps. staying low, slicing the pie every corner i came across,

till i made it to the firstation( the on at the trainstation ) 


No case ! so i went to the next one. i watched the souroundings for a couple of minutes but i didnt see anyone, nor did i see zombies move, or missing zeds .

Ok, so i made a run for it. 


when i reached the little wooden houses half way, all hell broke loose and bullets where flying everywhere arround me. thank god i could see the impacts in the house wall, so that i new the aproxamitly attackangle of my attackers.


imidiatly i switched to "detroid movement 2.0" zigzaggin my way arround the housecorner to the next building. then i kneeld down and waited for my pulse to steady ( in game and in RL ). 


I waited for about a minute when i heard steps. i peeked around the corner and then i saw my attacker.

M4,big mountain bagpack, all camo ... 

Bad for him he looked in the wrong direction. 

I shot him in the back,and then went over to him while saying: " to bad bro, we could have been friends " ( i was so fond off my "uberness" that i forgot that he wasnt allone ) 

So i started to take a quick peek into his backpack: pristine LRS ! nice 

than i hid his body

BAM im unconscius.    


I rage in front of my pc like De Niro at the end of the "untouchebels" , my hearts starts to race like mad, my palms get wet, unbeliving of what an increadeble dumm ass i am i stare at the black screen, totally helpless, listing and wating for the steps that will bring doom to my beloved char. 

after 20 seconds that felt like 2 hours my screen gets light again. 

i get up to my feet and run like a rabbit on crack to the next house, enter it, close the door and wait. 

but no one comes.

after 5 minutes i log out. go to the fridge, get a beer and have the urge for a cigarette.

and i dont even smoke! 



being shot at, well i can get used to that, but being unconscious ... that freaks me out everytime.

Edited by Munson_fry
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funny same thing I do after an epic battle get a beer fire up the bong and light up a cig lol those bastards didn't kill me so I might as well do it a little myself haha. I always double tap'em in the head to I've had a few times back in the beginning when I thought I iced a mofo just to see him start to squirm back up. enjoy the adrenaline it unfortunately goes away and you need bigger battles and crazier shit to trigger it. ah the fate of adrenaline whores always looking for a game to trigger that lovely rush.good luck OP hopefully you get that protector case next time. 

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Did you lose your stuff,did they take it or just leave you..?

My wife come in 1 day scared the crap out of me..was lone wolfing 1 nite,,..

And i gave up cigs as well,but i nearly smoked that nite..

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Happens to me every time.

I shit my pants because I have no idea how I got unconscious but now to think of it its probably your character getting a hear t attack or smthin like that.

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  On 6/16/2014 at 11:33 AM, randomspawn said:

ninya style baby, it's like a ninja, but with a y

texas is written with an X  not an J.....


ich german ! nix gut english  :D

Edited by Munson_fry

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  On 6/16/2014 at 12:22 PM, Munson_fry said:

texas is written with an X  not an J.....


ich german ! nix gut english  :D

I'm not from Texas, I'm from Tejas...

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