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[NEW PLAYERS] Tips on Getting Started in DayZ

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You spawn somewhere random along a coast. What do you do?


  1. Is it morning or night? If it's night, press 'TAB' to open your inventory. Drag the battery into the flashlight that are inside your pants. Drag the flashlight into your hands. Exit out of your inventory and scroll and select 'turn on'.
  2. If it's day, look to see whether it is dusk or dawn. Remember: The sun always rises in the EAST and sets in the WEST.
  3. If it night, find the big dipper (photo at bottom left). The Big Dipper's leftmost dot is called Polaris. Polaris always points north.


You come across another player, who is trying to punch/shoot you. What do you do?


  1. Press space to hold up weapon/fists. Remember: Weapons always require ammo.  
  2. Fire your weapon/punch them in the face. Keep punching them until they are dead. 
  • You can check if a person is dead by standing over them, and selecting 'check pulse'. If it says "____ is cold to touch" or "____ has no pulse", they are dead. 

TIP: Don't be a bandit. Bandit = total d*ck who no one likes.


More will be added to this guide as I think of more tips  ;)

Edited by Loopest
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you forgot the part about turning your gamma and brightness all the way up to see. 


lol at using the flashlight

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My machete requires ammo?!  IF ONLY I'D KNOWN!!!!

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There are no bandits in SA. only kids who KOS to compensate for small packages, I run with friends only because EVERY single other person I have tried to talk to to be friendly has killed me. SO, to new players, just kill anything that moves; because if you don't it WILL kill you. don't expect social interaction or role play, there is none only a open world pvp session on every server. I guess most Day Z players are just too daft to be social.....sad really.

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Isn't it a shame that the advice given is you might as well KoS everyone or you will only get killed..

I'm not saying it's right or wrong but in my limited experience (finally fully kitted again and living a good life) I have came across lots of bandits, of which most of them have eventually let me go after taking things like my can opener or beans or trousers..

The only place I have been KoS is on air strips. Maybe I have been lucky?

My advice for beginners (being only 30 odd hours in) I would say get a mate on the game, or find one on here. It helps massively to have someone covering your back.

Plus it gives more presence if you do encounter people.

Edit: just too add. I have never KoS.. I always give people an option to stop attacking before I put them down :) maybe I'm just one of the tiny amount of nice guys on SA

Edited by RyGo UK

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