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SE9 - Respawn at location of death with all previous gear

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We were playing with my friend today at about 16-17 GMT on SE9 and died to bandit fire. First my friend dies next to the hangar in balota Airstrip, getting the "You are Dead" and all that jazz. He joined again and respawned inside the hangar we're we had been before with all of his gear. I also checked out his corpse and the corpse also had all his stuff, so all of the items effectively duplicated. Same thing happened to me a few minutes later. I died and spawned to a location I had been to a few minutes before. I also had all of my gear.

This was all about 10 minutes before a server restart. I don't have any idea what could have caused this, but I'm guessing it's a server-side issue because both me and my friend had the same thing happen. Has anyone else had similar experiences?

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I had it happen to me once as well. Was playing on my own server, ZA1, and got killed in the garage area of the Firestation in Elektro. I aborted and respawned in the place I died. Think it's a bug with the Hive server or something. Never been able to duplicate the issue again.

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