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I found an awesome dayz server! - Cosmic Bunny Gaming.. -Check it out

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Cosmic Bunny Gaming


Hey there everyone!


Looking for a very good dayz server? I've found the one after lots of searching! This server has ALOT of things to do..!

Many, many, MANY custom scripted buildings and areas that are fully working without bugs/glitching.. I've been looking for a server like this for a long time.

The server is also slightly new, and is lead by a very good scripter and mapper. He knows his stuff.

There is alot of abilities and he's been focusing alot about those small details that is fun. There is several traders, slightly further away from eachother, so you'll have to work a bit more. It's an extremely well AI system, that is very realistic and great! It's very different to the other AI systems people just find on the web.. He got help to create this one..!


This is just some of what the server has:


- Emerald interior design

- Bike deploy

- Halo jumping

- Quick snap

- Custom mappings 

- Indestructable bases (except wooden structures)

- Active administrators 

- Auto refuel

- Tow/lift

- Safe traders

- Self blood bag

- Weekly events, which is very fun, as you can win alot of gear of vehicles. 

- + Many, many, many more stuff!


Hope you liked what you've seen so far, and I hope you hop along with us.. It's a very good server with a good community and mature people. The server is semi-medium active and is starting to get more and more popular at the moment, due to the good script.

So please hop in TS in any time, and or, ingame and we'll see you then!


TS IP: tseu4.vilayer.com:9999

DayZ server IP: :2302



Have a nice day,




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This isnt your server you "found" is it?


Will move to proper place as well.

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hmm, your first post, and its about a server you "found", yet you seem to know alot (everything) about it and presented in a way that essentially advertises the server....and to quote the last paragraph "...and I hope you hop along with us" - us?


if you want to "sell" your server, do it abit more honestly, and people would prefer to join a server from an active community member rather than someone who is too ashamed to use his own account to post.  I wouldnt be surprised if you are the "great scripter/modder" you speak of

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  On 6/12/2014 at 11:36 PM, monolith1985 said:

hmm, your first post, and its about a server you "found", yet you seem to know alot (everything) about it and presented in a way that essentially advertises the server....and to quote the last paragraph "...and I hope you hop along with us" - us?

if you want to "sell" your server, do it abit more honestly, and people would prefer to join a server from an active community member rather than someone who is too ashamed to use his own account to post. I wouldnt be surprised if you are the "great scripter/modder" you speak of

Sir, with all respect..

I've played a while on the server, as I were looking for a server. I can a 100% honestly say that I'm not the owner nor the scripter. The owner is called "Mjreyeswater" and I'm Georgey.

It's legit, even tho' I can understand that you're suspicious and confused.

Join the server if you want, as that would be great :)



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