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Satchel Charges

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Im sure this has been asked before, but are satchel charges legit loot? Ive just found some in NW barracks and they have a picture and everything, which is what I thought was the indication of a hacked item.

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Yes, they are not hacked in the game.. seen players before going satchel hunting to blow up buildings in Elektro lol

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When you see people asking whether an item is hacked or not, you have to start questioning whether or not said item should be in the game at all.

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Make sure you use them for something fun.

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They come in small amounts and can be really fun if put in areas like an ATC or Firestation... Just a tip.

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They are listed as "PipeBomb" on loot tables, which is confusing. Also, they rarer than NVGs and single-use, so you don't see them a lot.

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They are rarer than NVGs?

Damn it, I found one once. Would have preferred NVGs!

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They are rarer than NVGs?

Damn it' date=' I found one once. Would have preferred NVGs!


Same drop rate in the barracks as NVGs, but NVGs can also spawn at heli crashes.

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I was in elektro sniping with an enfield when i see in total 3 red hatchbacks but i shoot the guy through the window in the second i go to his body and find 7 SATCHEL CHARGES i take 1 but im wondering if there was hacking involved

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