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Shrub Rocketeer ™

i like the bandits

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Imagine adding lots of fire/camp/survival elements to the game. Why do you think I won't shoot you anyway?


I don't, the deathmatch scenario will stay as long as the game is playable, but it will actually become more relevant if food and drink is relatively rare, either way, I'm normally packing enough firepower/patience to shoot or wait my way out of situations, since gearing is easy

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Sorry for the lame numbering method, but as I'm not on PC right now, it's difficult to separate the quote.










1. you still seem to solely focus on the word, rather than my point




And you still seem to be ignoring the fact that that word does not exist in this game.....What are we to do with ourselves huh?







2. love it how you ignore the second part of the sentence, where I say I'm assuming it for now, until you prove otherwise. You could've just said tthat you meant otherwise. 



I have to prove something your assuming?



You know what they say about assumptions you make an ass out of U ME......






3. Not sure why you have to point out to everyone that it's my opinion, as it seems to be pretty clear that it is. And I'm pretty sure you know what I mean by interaction.




I'm pretty sure that your version of interaction and mine are very different, but there you go again assuming I should be thinking of how you interact







4. I see you've now moved on to quoting two words out of an entire post. You'll get there someday, properly paraphrasing.



It really bothers you that I could only find two words that were worth quoting in that whole paragraph huh? Maybe one day you'll make a whole paragraph worth quoting, You'll get there someday....







You also still don't seem to get my point. It's a call to all, to not kill everyone and thusly get the human interaction back. To think before you kill, so we get more sane players, rather than psychopaths who dastardly kill every living thing on earth. It's not something I'm enforcing on every player, just something I think more players should be like. You don't have to justify your actions to anyone but yourself. It's just that players in the mod would justify it from within the game, while SA players seem to do so from outside of the game. SA players in general: it's just a game, kill 'em all. Mod players in general: is he a real danger? Do I need his gear? Is he a hero/bandit (what's his intent)? etc., until the conclusion of killing, avoiding or talking to him. A lot of mod players would even apply their own morals to the game. All of that made the game a whole lot more versatile than most other games, if not all. There was a lot more depth to the mod because of the uniqueness of players' behaviour. 



Like I said how I choose to "interact" with people in the game is different from how you do it. Get used to it and you will have alot more fun in the game.


Boy you must be under some crazy delusions if you think that the SA is any different from how the mod was played. I have played the mod since may 2012 and people have always played it the same as the SA.


See alot of people like you like to put on these rose tinted glasses and picture the mod as being alot more firendly than it was....






Your playstyle definitely isn't dumbing down the game. It's what I love about DayZ: you do anything you want. Versatility in players makes or breaks the game. The problem is that there's too many of your kind as of right now. We need more friendlies to even it out.




Boy with all these KOS whine threads popping up everywhere you would think one of these posters might bump into each other once in awhile, but apparently they all play on diifferent servers so as to only bump into bandits....





Furthermore, I agree that every playstyle requires a degree of intelligence to master, but I sense that you once more missed my point. I was saying that the game was more intellectual, not a certain playstyle. If you have a game with friendlies, bandits and KoS instead of the KoS-only crowd, wouldn't you agree that the game as a whole will be more intellectual? 



I'm confused. Dont we have all those different types of playstyles right now in the game? I am also confused where intelligence comes into what playstyle I choose.....






5. So in the event of a zombie apocalypse, you think it's logical to kill every other human being on the grounds of them being capable of ending your life? 



You really miss the point if you quote a few words and ignore the rest





Your really gonna try to use that tired illogical argument? Wow you KOS whiners sure do parrot each other...


Here goes for the 100th time.....



This game is based on a fictional land in a fictional situation playing as fictional people. How could you possibly compare how people behave in this game to real life?


Please get out of here with that kinda malarky



And as to quoting just some of your post...Like I said previously, when you have a whole paragraph worth quoting I will surely quote it....

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1. And you still seem to be ignoring the fact that that word does not exist in this game.....What are we to do with ourselves huh?








2. I have to prove something your assuming?



You know what they say about assumptions you make an ass out of U ME......








3. I'm pretty sure that your version of interaction and mine are very different, but there you go again assuming I should be thinking of how you interact








4. It really bothers you that I could only find two words that were worth quoting in that whole paragraph huh? Maybe one day you'll make a whole paragraph worth quoting, You'll get there someday....







Like I said how I choose to "interact" with people in the game is different from how you do it. Get used to it and you will have alot more fun in the game.


5. Boy you must be under some crazy delusions if you think that the SA is any different from how the mod was played. I have played the mod since may 2012 and people have always played it the same as the SA.


See alot of people like you like to put on these rose tinted glasses and picture the mod as being alot more firendly than it was....








6. Boy with all these KOS whine threads popping up everywhere you would think one of these posters might bump into each other once in awhile, but apparently they all play on diifferent servers so as to only bump into bandits....







7. I'm confused. Dont we have all those different types of playstyles right now in the game? I am also confused where intelligence comes into what playstyle I choose.....







8. Really?


Your really gonna try to use that tired illogical argument? Wow you KOS whiners sure do parrot each other...


Here goes for the 100th time.....



This game is based on a fictional land in a fictional situation playing as fictional people. How could you possibly compare how people behave in this game to real life?


Please get out of here with that kinda malarky



And as to quoting just some of your post...Like I said previously, when you have a whole paragraph worth quoting I will surely quote it....

1. Well, for starters you can learn how to argue. (little tip: taking a handful of loose words out of a text isn't the way to do it)


2. Learn to read and/or go back to school. The word prove can be used in various ways, if you didn't know already. 


3. I need not assume anything. From the context you should be able to see what sort of interaction I was getting at. Someone who says that there's too much KoS in the game and also says there should be more human interaction, isn't going to mean "your" kind of interaction. I hope you know that interaction can be a multitude of things, because you seem to assume"your" interaction as the actual definition of it. 


4. Again, learn how to argue. There is no such thing as words being "worthy" of a quote, especially not loose words. 


5. No, they haven't. In the mod, there were friendlies, KoS'ers, bandits and heroes. All in a nice balance, in term of players using the playstyle . The only playstyle in SA is KoS, the other ones basically aren't even present. In the mod, I could befriend randoms, that isn't even possible in SA. Hell, it's rare for a player to even talk in SA, let alone be friendly.


6. There are two million copies sold. There are maybe a dozen "KoS whiners". If all of them were in a 40 man server, I still might not see any of them. 


7. Maybe we do, but there aren't enough friendlies or even bandits. The balance is off, heavily. There's so much KoS that you can't even see any bandits/friendlies/heroes. To be good at any of the playstyles, you need a certain degree of intelligence. As you said before, KoS requires a decent strategical mind to master.


8. For someone who's seen that argument a plethora of times, that an incredibly poor response. How does the country being fictional affect the behaviour of the players? All players RP as inhabitants of the mystic land of Chernarus, where everyone mindlessly kills one another? Besides, Chernarus is designed to be a run of the mill post-Soviet state bordering Russia, loosely based on the Czech republic. The inhabitants are fictional, but ordinary. 

Edited by The End.

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You also still don't seem to get my point. It's a call to all, to not kill everyone and thusly get the human interaction back. To think before you kill, so we get more sane players, rather than psychopaths who dastardly kill every living thing on earth. It's not something I'm enforcing on every player, just something I think more players should be like. You don't have to justify your actions to anyone but yourself. It's just that players in the mod would justify it from within the game, while SA players seem to do so from outside of the game. SA players in general: it's just a game, kill 'em all. Mod players in general: is he a real danger? Do I need his gear? Is he a hero/bandit (what's his intent)? etc., until the conclusion of killing, avoiding or talking to him. A lot of mod players would even apply their own morals to the game. All of that made the game a whole lot more versatile than most other games, if not all. There was a lot more depth to the mod because of the uniqueness of players' behaviour. 


 I like where you're going with this, but it's just not realistic in a game where individuals will use scripts to grief and ruin others play experience...Though that's a whole other subject. As far as player interaction, from experience I find if someone does not address you in VOIP they are less likely to hassle you, or at least their only intent is to avoid you for now. From the moment anyone has used the words "Friendly", "Hold up a sec.", or "Buddy, I just want to talk!". They will be shooting to break your legs, trying to hand-cuff you, and then force feeding if they exceed.


 Also I'm not sure which mod you're talking about. I've had the exact same game experience since vanilla mod. Everyone puts up a chivalrous front in forums yet in game that's all out the window. The very last time I fell for the "yo bro, chill out I'm friendly!" bit was an Irish guy, but he said something new like "I'm cool relax.", and in his accent you know what I believed him...then after I re-spawned I decided anyone who tries to talk to me must die first. People who wave and move on get a pass.

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1. Well, for starters you can learn how to argue. (little tip: taking a handful of loose words out of a text isn't the way to do it)



Again you get so angered by me pointing out how only a couple of words out of your whole paragraph are even worth quoting....


(little tip: bitching about my debate style instead of acknowledging my points isnt the way to do it)







2. Learn to read and/or go back to school. The word prove can be used in various ways, if you didn't know already. 





Yes I definately am inarticulate and dont know how to read or even write. Thank you for pointing out that very relevant point to the conversation. I cant wait to hear your next gem of wisdom for me......






3. I need not assume anything. From the context you should be able to see what sort of interaction I was getting at. Someone who says that there's too much KoS in the game and also says there should be more human interaction, isn't going to mean "your" kind of interaction. I hope you know that interaction can be a multitude of things, because you seem to assume"your" interaction as the actual definition of it. 





Kinda ironic as that is the exact point I was making about you, but instead you chose to focus on quotes for some reason.


But yeah i completely agree with you... Your definition and mine are different and each just as valid....






4. Again, learn how to argue. There is no such thing as words being "worthy" of a quote, especially not loose words. 





Really? Is there some rule book on debating where I can read up on the dos and donts of this? It seems to be a real annoyance to you that only a couple of words in your posts are even meaningful to the discussion....



Maybe be more relevant? Although maybe I need to, what did you say, go back to school and learn vocabulary and maybe join a debate team or something?





5. No, they haven't. In the mod, there were friendlies, KoS'ers, bandits and heroes. All in a nice balance, in term of players using the playstyle . The only playstyle in SA is KoS, the other ones basically aren't even present. In the mod, I could befriend randoms, that isn't even possible in SA. Hell, it's rare for a player to even talk in SA, let alone be friendly.




I'm sorry but you are completely full of it. The mod was never "completely balanced".  Ask any of these forum mods who have been playing the game for awhile. They will all say the same thing. The mod had alot of KOS too and was not balanced.







6. There are two million copies sold. There are maybe a dozen "KoS whiners". If all of them were in a 40 man server, I still might not see any of them. 





Two dozen huh? Can you please go to the KOS topic and count how many whiners have posted into it....


I think you might be surpised when its more than 24....






7. Maybe we do, but there aren't enough friendlies or even bandits. The balance is off, heavily. There's so much KoS that you can't even see any bandits/friendlies/heroes. To be good at any of the playstyles, you need a certain degree of intelligence. As you said before, KoS requires a decent strategical mind to master.



I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that the game is unfinished and missing MANY game mechanics that the mod currently has?







8. For someone who's seen that argument a plethora of times, that an incredibly poor response. How does the country being fictional affect the behaviour of the players? All players RP as inhabitants of the mystic land of Chernarus, where everyone mindlessly kills one another? Besides, Chernarus is designed to be a run of the mill post-Soviet state bordering Russia, loosely based on the Czech republic. The inhabitants are fictional, but ordinary. 




Excuse me, but are we all supposed to be role playing? I must have missed that memo.....

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this conversation is start to getting out a control now, please just focus on what the main point is about bandits doing a great job and making dayz scary and also giving the experience of losing everything what makes us feel value about our live and our gear, because if we don't value our live and our gear  and we don't have a fear about lose everything there is no point to play the game.


one time I was in a town with everything I need to survive in the forest for making fires hunting animals carrying water and fixing injure with a bandage so I was plan to live like a mountain man for 3 weeks live off the lands and when I died from a bandit I was very very very unhappy for about 2 hours, I didn't rage quit I start again and try to get back to a same position to try fires and hunting and this makes me enjoy the game even the boring times.


so thankyou bandits thankyou


thankyou for making this game feel paranoid and scared and nervous all the time even in the forest away from towns because you make this game special and different like no other games

Edited by Shrub Rocketeer ™

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Yes I definately am inarticulate and dont know how to read or even write. Thank you for pointing out that very relevant point to the conversation. I cant wait to hear your next gem of wisdom for me......



Wait no longer, for here it comes 


Really? Is there some rule book on debating where I can read up on the dos and donts of this? It seems to be a real annoyance to you that only a couple of words in your posts are even meaningful to the discussion....



Maybe be more relevant? Although maybe I need to, what did you say, go back to school and learn vocabulary and maybe join a debate team or something?




Well, yes there is. There are, as you hopefully know, good and bad arguments. If you use sophisms, logical fallancies or any of the sort, your argument is invalid. The list of logical fallancies and sophisms actually are the list of "donts" in a discussion. If you use one, you basically show that you have no sensible response left.



Again you get so angered by me pointing out how only a couple of words out of your whole paragraph are even worth quoting....


(little tip: bitching about my debate style instead of acknowledging my points isnt the way to do it)



Sorry to burst your bubble, but yes, that very much is the way to do it. If you use sophisms, your argument is invalid. And I can tell you right now that quoting loose words from a text and binding them together without context, is a sophism. You completely change my point by doing that. You'd be arguing against an argument you created yourself, not against mine.


Kinda ironic as that is the exact point I was making about you, but instead you chose to focus on quotes for some reason.


But yeah i completely agree with you... Your definition and mine are different and each just as valid....



No, not really. There are no different definitions of the word interaction, there can be only one. It's about the context. It's just that there are many things that qualify as interaction. If you actually read my post, you would've known what I meant by interaction, from the context. It's just stupid to ignore the context and just apply your own "definition" of the word, which would completely change my point.
I'm sorry but you are completely full of it. The mod was never "completely balanced".  Ask any of these forum mods who have been playing the game for awhile. They will all say the same thing. The mod had alot of KOS too and was not balanced.



To clarify, by 'balanced' I didn't mean a perfect 50/50 ratio, I meant that there was a healthy balance between them. Approx. 30% of all players were friendly, which I deem as a good balance between the two. In SA, maybe 5% is friendly, which is just plain wrong. Yes, there was KoS, but there also were friendlies (and quite a few of them). Now, virtually none.


Two dozen huh? Can you please go to the KOS topic and count how many whiners have posted into it....


I think you might be surpised when its more than 24....


My argument still stands. There are two million copies sold, I'm extremely unlikely to ever encounter one of the friendlies from the forums. Even if there were only 100k players I'd probably not bump into any of them. And as I said, if 12 of them were to enter a 40 man server with me, I'd still likely not see them.
Excuse me, but are we all supposed to be role playing? I must have missed that memo.....



Another stark example of your spectre arguments. I never said everyone should RP. In fact, I can't fathom how you could ever come to that conclusion from my post. Is it because I used the term RP? Are you doing your trademark 'taking loose words out of a text and making a ghost argument' thing again? 


I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that the game is unfinished and missing MANY game mechanics that the mod currently has?


So, you agree that the number bandits and friendlies isn't correctly balanced? Did I get my point across, at last?





@shrub I agree, bandits belong in DayZ. Without them, the game would be boring as hell. It's just that there are too many of them now. 

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Again, this crooked vision of survival. Quite sick of it, really. 


There is the odd situation where it can be justified, but 90% of the time it actually can't be and is classified as unreasonable killing. You think all of Chernarus is a king of the hill game, with the last one being the "survivor"? 

Justifiable: you see a fresh-ish spawn in elektro, you KNOW he'll follow the Elektro-Cherno-Balota routine, as will you. Thus, you are actively competing for loot AND dangerously close at all times. The logical thing to do is kill him (or attempt to befriend). 

You: you see another player in your vicinity. Kill him to survive. 


I'm afraid it doesn't work like that.

It works however the person at the keyboard wants it to. period. it doesn't have to be "justifyable". you dont have to RP any semblance of morality. for me staying alive > all. if you are any possible threat what so ever and i have a perfect opproturnity to take you out with yout you having a fair chance i'll take that over a meeting on "fair terms". I dont want to make nicey with randoms and i have no intention of it. Id rather avoid risk where ever possible, but if were both moving on the same loot area and i have a chance to cap you in the back before you ever knew i was even there; good night scrubby! watch your suroundings better next time!

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It works however the person at the keyboard wants it to. period. it doesn't have to be "justifyable". you dont have to RP any semblance of morality. for me staying alive > all. if you are any possible threat what so ever and i have a perfect opproturnity to take you out with yout you having a fair chance i'll take that over a meeting on "fair terms". I dont want to make nicey with randoms and i have no intention of it. Id rather avoid risk where ever possible, but if were both moving on the same loot area and i have a chance to cap you in the back before you ever knew i was even there; good night scrubby! watch your suroundings better next time!

Good for you. We need KoS'ers like you, you're a part of DayZ. My point is that there are too many KoS'ers, which makes the game a bit stale compared to what it could be.  I think there should be more who ask themselves "why?" before shooting, as I described in my post. 

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Good for you. We need KoS'ers like you, you're a part of DayZ. My point is that there are too many KoS'ers, which makes the game a bit stale compared to what it could be.  I think there should be more who ask themselves "why?" before shooting, as I described in my post. 

yeah i definately agree that theres really no diversity at all in the SA, where the mod had more of a mix i think some of the little touches like hero/bandit skins and the rapid heart beat when looking at someone with really low humanity kinda added flavor, and just maybe gave people something to work for. i mean it wasnt much, and it was quite easy to boost humanity in a clan but it was still a nice little bit of recognition for those who put in the work to help (or harm) others.

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