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An unexpected visitor

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I entered a well-populated 0.45 UK experimental server at around 11:45 in game, "spawning" at the Veresnik hill just south-southwest of the military base. I had found a chopper in the fields to the west the night before. I just took a quick peek to see if a new chopper was there, and then, as it wasn't, continued slowly towards the military base from the south, down the hill.


I entered, searched the first barracks, then went straight to the prison keeping alert. As I was inside, various noises started to play (or had they been playing all along?) of ammunition being handled, bushes rustling, and sodas popping. It might be my imagination, but I've had a few encounters after hearing these things, which may just be coincidental, but it got me on my toes anyhow.


I closed all the doors behind me, peeking out the windows of the prison and sweating while not seeing a thing. I then pulled myself together, and opened the front doors. BAM! Right in my face is this fucker, slowly moving his head to stare at me, deciding not to run, but just steer of and walk away, after giving me my dose of Day Z heartattack. God damnit! I let him be, and continued further north...








Scared the shit (almost) out of me!

NB: Sorry 'bout the image quality. My laptop doesn't do better than this =)

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For a laptop, the graphics looks great! :thumbsup:  Nice find btw!! (did you get the chance to stumble upon the crashed heli that sometimes spawns near this military base? a bit North-West of it)

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For a laptop, the graphics looks great! :thumbsup:  Nice find btw!! (did you get the chance to stumble upon the crashed heli that sometimes spawns near this military base? a bit North-West of it)


Thanks! Yeah, the night before I actually found it and just before making a run for it, two guys turned up, saw me, and started moving towards me. Luckily the AKM took care of it, and I could continue =)

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