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SpiritSharD (DayZ)

Hit-detection is bad?

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From my experience, anyway. Seriously; every time I come across a survivor or a zombie, whether I attack them with a crowbar or fire at them with a gun, it seems to me as if my shots always miss (when I have around 50 latency, mind you). I just attacked a zombie in Electro, and it took 20 hits to kill it. I was then forced to defend myself against a survivor, and despite smacking him repeatedly in the back of the head for about a minute as he was walking off, he managed to turn around and down me with one shot to the torso. It's just making the game incredibly frustrating because, for the most part, I'm effectively just spawning and dying now-a-days because of this "kill for the sake of killing" mentality.

Does anyone else suffer the same, or is it just me? If the former, is it an issue with the servers I'm joining, the engine, or both?

inb4 "You suck", "Bad connection" etc. I know it's hard, but let's try and have a friendly, sensible dicussion on an internet forum for a change. :)

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maybe its server... a ping of 50 isnt bad i run around 25-35 and if i scope someone with my dmr i nail him with one shot at long distance it may take me two

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It's strange though; I just got killed by some guy whilst I was in a tower. I couldn't see him and he was very close by judging by the sound; almost as if he was invisible. Not blaming the game; I'm just saying.

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My advice is: Avoid attacking anyone with anything that doesn't have a trigger!

Saying that, it woud be nice if we could get some steroids from the hospital to increase stamina and strenght! :D

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Arma 2 generally has good hit detection, latency could be a problem, or it could be the server or something.

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if you shoot most thing from the side, it tends to not register... been up close to a cow shooting in the belly, yet once i shoot it from the front, first then does it dies... I shoot one zombie with 5 or 6 bolts in the arm, and he just walked away...

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in my experience the only thing that affects the recording of a hit is game performance on your machine and Latency.

I find I can play perfectly on servers with my ping around 120. but there is a steep cliff as go beyond 180 ping and I feel it and see it.

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You get a lot of people who dont wanna play on their time zone servers when its night so they join others with high latency often to reason for constant missing

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I (rarely) notice issues with hit detection on zombies. If you watch enough streams you can see spots here and there where someone shoots a 1 shot kill weapon at a zombie, sees a blood spray, but the zombie ignores it and keeps attacking. (I mean, beyond the typical zombie death lag)

In my own experience, though, I've never had any issues with shots not registering. Infact, when I shot one guy who was apparently having connection issues, he sprinted away from me unharmed, but 15 seconds later I got the kill and I found him collapsed up in the tower of the fire station. (when I had headshot him on the first floor by the door)

With 50 ping I wouldn't expect you to have many connection issues. Does the game chug at all for you?

Melee weapons (and actually guns too) can be a little unintuitive if you use them immediately out of a run/crouch-run. See, when you're readying your weapon after moving quickly, your guy brings up the weapon from aiming at the ground. If you pull the trigger fast enough, without letting the weapon settle into the ready position, if can pop off a round/swing that aims somewhere at the ground off to your right. Maybe that was your issue?

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if you shoot most thing from the side' date=' it tends to not register... been up close to a cow shooting in the belly, yet once i shoot it from the front, first then does it dies... I shoot one zombie with 5 or 6 bolts in the arm, and he just walked away...


not for me. a few hours ago i did a one shot kill with my crossbow by hitting a Z in the arm. another one died by a hit in the leg. the arm shot was from the side, the legshot from the front.

i have the feeling the crossbow is quite bugged and shouldn't be a reference for hitboxes ^^

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Well yersterday I shot someone in the back of the head a couple of times, and for good measure I emptied an entire makorov clip into his head when he went down. Some of the shots must've not registered because a few minutes later he crept up behind me and put ONE into me and I died. Also, today. I met two people in Electro and was attacked by them; they were lagging quite a bit (teleporting, pretty much), but I still managed to hit them several times with my crowbar and caused bleeding. I'm dead a second later because one of them teleports and gets me in the head (no complaints there). I come across them once I spawn again, find a near-by Lee Enfield and promptly put several bullets into them. Non register, they kill me.

Like I said, latency is about 50 usually. Game isn't that slow as I get roughly 60fps outdoors, 40fps in cities. This all said, I don't think I've ever seen a player that didn't jump around a bit or "drift" into position when standing still, so perhaps it's an issue my end when syncing to the servers. I don't know.

Might just be my luck I suppose.


Also; I have never been able to hit anything with a crossbow, even at point-blank range. No matter what, it's as if it doesn't fire. So many times I've died because the only weapon I had was a crossbow and the damn thing just don't hit.

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