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The Lone-Wolf playstyle

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Now I understand the fun of having a group of guys to play with and using organised tactics to be as effective as possible but ever since I first set up the DayZ mod for Arma 2 I've ALWAYS gone solo.


Back when hunting and cooking your own meat was possible I would get some beans and cokes off the coast than gtfo inland where I would hang between Stary Sobor and Novy Sobor. Always alone I would play extended sessions just scouting a heavily trafficked area (South-East of NWAF) and occasionally engage targets with either the AKM if one 1 adversary or the M16 SD (the silencer perfect for remaining undetected and confusing enemy groups as they either logged or went down. Always opening fire from a forest with minimum 200 yards. I could hunt to keep my blood up and was a happy camper.


I find that playing alone and stalking others for 20-30 minutes is fun, forces me to use tactics and above-all heightens the tension and survival horror-vibes I love from DayZ. Staying alive for as long as possible is my objective, beyond getting the best loot (SKS over M4 or Mosin all day!).


Mugging people has been a fucking amazing and totally unique gaming experience, it's one thing robbing someone when you're with a group but when you have a guy handcuffed and you're going through his shit ultra tense because no one has your back. Generally, I avoid others but for the fun of it sometimes I shoot a round right next to a guy and watch him run for cover and try to figure out wtf is going on. ehehehe!!



With the standalone I've been doing pretty much the same thing, with my gun of choice being the SKS and (I hope) the .22 LR sporter when it get's buffed. Who else plays like me and what are some tips or stories you have to share? Only real minus is that getting KOS'd sucks.. USE THE MIC!!!




TL;DR Who plays Lone-Wolf only? Are you friendly, KOS or a mix of both? Any stories or tactics to share?



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Im friendly. With the addition of fishing and hunting, Its become way easier again. Just like in Arma 2 mod, I like to get some gear off the coast, like canteens, and some good clothes. ( I currently run full black or brown farmers clothes) Then I get an axe, machete, and hoe/shovel in my backpack and get away from the coast. I get a bow and a fishing pole, then secure a lure and some arrows. Once there, you can make easy food out of the fish or wild game. I prefer fires because they cook quicker for now, and take less sace than a cooker and frying pan/ cooking pot, but fires make a lot of light, and this attracts people like all get out. but really, once yove got the canteens, a lake, and a fishing pole, you can make it indefinitely. I also try to not have to kill players. Really, I try to avoid them altogether unless I see some one getting attacked or robbed, then I usually just try to scare off the attackers with some arrows, otherwise I kill them.  Sometimes, I go to the coast and hand out free meat just to interact with people, but once you find a good spot in the woods with the essentials, theres no need for anything else.

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I go lone wolf about 100.1% of the time.

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I was friendly early on in the mod, tried interfacing with a few folks. Worked a couple times, then I got blasted at NWAF one day after having exchanged friendly banter with a guy in the firestation...


Never again...


Only other time I've interfaced with someone is a clan I met in Breaking Point. And even then, I had to barter a fully-equipped UH-1Y just to get in their good graces.


Other than that, my two years of playing DayZ have been blissful by my lonesome.

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Once I get food and guns I hold up in buildings by my self.


So this one time I was in a bar sitting around when I here some foot steps,I stand up,take out my double barrel,and stand behind my counter,this guy walks in and looks at me.

He then says in his mic "dude I am not going to kill you".


Damn straight you are not! I say,I then tell him to sit down with me.

So both of us are on the floor siting down talking,I start trusting him.

He then says that he sees a backpack or something in the corner behind me,Using the 3 person camra I see he is telling the truth.

So we stand up and he goes to get it,as he does I start moving away so he does not do anything fast.

As I do this he trys to hand cuff me.


OH well you fucked up.

I then shoot one of my 2 shots missing him,he then runs out the door,me not shooting because if I miss I have no chance.

I chase after him in the street,i see him starting to take out a pistol seeing my chance.


I shoot him right in the leg,this must of knocked him out because I then run up and take his gun and hand cuffs.

I back up and make sure there are no zombies around then start telling him my demands,I say when u wake up these hand cuffs are going on you,this then happens.

He starts sayings that he is real sorry that he tryed to cuff me saying he wanted to make sure I would not shoot him.

Well dont worry I wont kill you,I tell him as I start moving away.


"But they will" I say as I shoot his gun into the air and at a few near by zombies,the zombies then run at me,but as soon as they get close they start going after the guy who is sitting down handcuffed.


He is telling me to let him go as I I just am cackiling at him its so funny.

I then walk away,I turn around to see him break out of his cuffs,just in time to bleed to death.


Thats how i play solo,you have to know how to take care of your self but its not to hard.

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I play solo, never grouping up. I have used my mic about once since January. I kill almost every person I see that is geared(or die trying). It doesn't matter how many squirrels are in the forest, I am hunting bigger game, especially those that are armed. Staying in desolate areas isn't my style. I spend almost all my time between Berez, NEAF and the town just north of there. 


Funny story. I see a guy the other day without any gear. I put away my gun so he isn't scared. He runs after me to try and knock me out. We then spend 10 minutes running in circles along with a zed chasing him. I would loop back toward the zombie but the zed never got him down and he never got me down. I just didn't have the heart to stop and shoot him. The server reset on us, so I don't know what happened to the guy. After logging back in to another server, some guy comes from the same direction as my other duel. I thought it was him so I shot him dead, about 20 times. Upon closer inspection, it wasn't the same guy, as he had different skin color. Oh well. 

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So far I've played almost entirely lone wolf.  There was just one time I met some guys and rolled with them, just to goof around.


Right now I'm having the most fun yet.  I spawned near NEAF, looted, ran around and looted another airfield, acquiring some good gear.


Now I'm in a desolate part of the map living off the land.  Far away from people and zombies.  I've been hunting during the day and cooking the meat over a camp fire at night.  Sometimes the solitude can get boring.  But so far I've lasted way longer this way than any other way.  In the last several hours (real life hours) I haven't seen a single zombie or player.  And my character has been kitted up, healthy, and energized the whole time.

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I play lone wolf most of the time because friends don't always play DayZ. I've grown accustomed to this play style, but it's really intense when you're near another player, as you've got nobody to back you up, meaning one false move and you're fighting for your life. Dying has serious consequences in this game... I love it.

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I go Solo, and always hardcore. Love not having my back covered. Made mistakes and I’ve been too gun-ho more times than I care to count.


Generally I’m a wood nomad, cautiously stalking from the edge of the woods but very rarely snipe. I’ll slip into town, tracking the intruder. Much prefer close range confrontations, corner of a street, down a staircase and such. The Magnum handgun has been my best friend in DayZ.

Will only kill if I believe the fellow has a good loot. A large backpack, couple of rifles are excellent indicators. The binocs are my 2nd best friend !


No communication required whatsoever from my end, no warning, no taunting.

No particular story to tell. Success rate is at best 55% !



Edited by RedGuard
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Beans for all my Lone Wolf brothers and sisters!

Lately I've been rolling with no long guns. I keep my machete and axe bagged. Fully kitted with survival items, medical etc. I keep a .357 bagged as well for "personal protection".

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Been playing solo for about a week now (friends stopped playing til some of the more annoying bugs are fixed) and it is much more challenging.  Now longer do you have someone covering your back, every encounter with another play becomes more dangerous and hitting up the popular loot areas for military gear can be a nightmare but it keeps you on your toes and it makes me a more cautious player.  I don't give other players I run into too much room, if they seem fishy I tend to drop them.

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As I have no friends irl I don't really have a choice but to play lone-wolf mode :( I do love playing solo as it gives a deeper feeling of the survival. Actually, I am a little bit paranoid all the time, sounding the area (WHY DOES THE WIND SOUNDS LIKE IT MAKES FOOTSTEPS), hiding and scouting for way too long before engaging myself in a city.


As 95% of all the times I've teamed up with some random guy ended with me beeing either ambushed or shot in the face with the very weapons I shared with the newly made companion, I kinda of grew to be a cold blooded assasin of every human beeings met on my path. The other 5% was teaming up with new players, explaining them the game, giving them tips, 50% of them endend up dead by falling from the top of a building or pressing "V" instead of "C" in a staircase (Devil's Castle got a pretty deadly stairway).


When I get bored I just go Rambo on everything that moves until I'm dead then I start over...the gathering of the gear is still the best part imo, especially when you get in epic fist fights with every freshie you meet.

Edited by GrandHeron
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I play solo 99% of the time and prefer it that way. I'm for the most part friendly, however I greatly enjoy stalking people from time to time, along with torturing people if i'm in the mood. I generally stick to the far north or west in the woods and only enter towns if I absolutely need to. After i've got my mosin with a pu scope, lrs, bipod and compensator and either a 1911 or revolver and my preferred outfit, gas mask and rice and a few canteens I almost never enter a town.

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In the mod I always played lone wolf, but  always tried to make friends. Fully geared players I killed, but moderately or ungeared players I tried to befriend. In SA, befriending anyone is well-nigh impossible, so I try to mainly hold up. Mostly I just rob and let go, but if you try anything, appear extremely hostile or refuse to speak to me, I'll think of a nice way to end your life. I wont force-feed, break legs & leave or any of that stupid stuff, though. 

I have played as a hero, giving players some high-end gear, but lately I just rob/kill. Mainly because of the response I get when robbing, but oh well, I suppose I can be called a bandit.

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Interesting post. I play lone-wolf as I don't use a mic, though the times I have come across players and it has not gone immediately into a KOS scenario, its been fun. Though it never lasts as verbal communication is essential for team play.


I tried a variation of lone-wolf where I would run into Berezino (or whatever hotspot was going, NEAF for example) and put myself at the mercy of players. Generally the instakill versus help ratio was about 50/50. 


Generally though I play lone-wolf and snipe geared players. I generally have a military backpack, moisin with a LR scope, M4 with attachments for close-quarter encounters and no melee weapons as there is no value in engaging zeds.


I look for an elegant kill of someone I've hunted and who I think is worth killing. I never loot bodies. I don't play policeman.


I am looking forward to the creation of persistent camps, to make the sense of commitment to your player and gear more powerful, and to the dynamic of raiding through stealth.


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I'm 31 years old and literally everyone I know (who might be interested in playing DayZ with me) has at least one child (often three) and no time at all. Also, I live alone and work from 9 am to 6 pm which means I play mostly on the weekends and often in the morning hours after breakfast (like, from 8am - 10am). That's rather unfavourable for any kind of team play, as you can imagine. I suppose I could try to find some online "friends" to play with, but frankly, everyone under the age of ~23 is a child to me and I doubt there's many players who'd play on weekend mornings either way...


So, yeah, 100% lone(ly) wolf here.

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I'm 31 years old and... but frankly, everyone under the age of ~23 is a child to me and I doubt there's many players who'd play on weekend mornings either way...


Just FYI, no worries. You are a kid to me. Anyone under 40 is still inexperienced and has no clue what they are going to be when they grow up. 

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Just FYI, no worries. You are a kid to me. Anyone under 40 is still inexperienced and has no clue what they are going to be when they grow up. 


I'm not sure how to take this because there's (under normal circumstances) a quite real difference in maturity between a 20 year old and a 30 year old. But after that, there's hardly any age-related gap at all and everything comes down to the individual level of development. I'm not going to look down on 30 year olds when I'm 40 and it would be quite silly to look down on anyone when I'm 50.

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I'm not sure how to take this because there's (under normal circumstances) a quite real difference in maturity between a 20 year old and a 30 year old. But after that, there's hardly any age-related gap at all and everything comes down to the individual level of development. I'm not going to look down on 30 year olds when I'm 40 and it would be quite silly to look down on anyone when I'm 50.

Maturity depends on the experience you have, not the age you are. Some 30 years old are more childish than some 22 years old. Maturity tends to grow along with the age just because you gain more experience. So I would consider immature looking down on anyone yonger then me as everyone, no matter its age, have something to teach. And that's because everyone has it's own set of experience that differs from one person to another.

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I'm not sure how to take this because there's (under normal circumstances) a quite real difference in maturity between a 20 year old and a 30 year old. But after that, there's hardly any age-related gap at all and everything comes down to the individual level of development. I'm not going to look down on 30 year olds when I'm 40 and it would be quite silly to look down on anyone when I'm 50.

No offence, but of course that's how you would see it as a 30 year old. There's a world of difference in maturity between a 30 yr old and a 40 yr old person.

Just stating that you look down at 20 yr olds as "kids" shows a level of immaturity.

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No offence, but of course that's how you would see it as a 30 year old. There's a world of difference in maturity between a 30 yr old and a 40 yr old person.

Just stating that you look down at 20 yr olds as "kids" shows a level of immaturity.

Yeah, I think you stated my point better than I did. That being said, it's not being 30 or 40 that makes you mature. It's everything that goes into getting to that age. DCpAradoX  doesn't have kids yet, so that is a huge influence on a person and how they see others, and how others see them. I truly didn't 'mature' until my mid-30's, but I have guys at my work that are pushing 55-60 that don't act very mature. 


Of course, it could also depend on how you define mature. My definition might be a whole lot different than everyone else.

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