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Spawn System - Innovation

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So a lot of people are complaining about being spawned on the coast, miles away from buildings and towns. The seaside towns are usually poor in supplies and people sometimes spawn in the rain. This might sound weird but it could be a very nice feature in the game.


A good idea would be Parachutes.


Imagine being thrown off the back of a C-130 plane. You could see where you would fall and know where you are. Of course it won't be that easy to pinpoint your location based on what you see but you can use the parachute to fly towards the location you want. That would reduce the time it takes for a player to reach his desired destination or the nearest city. The parachute should not be able to travel across the map in 5 minutes or cover long distances. The players should not land more than 1,5 km away from the place they were deployed. The parachute should be an option for all players. The landing speed should be fair. As is in reality. If you want a scenario behind this, you can say that your character was forced to jump off the plane grabbing the first parachute he/she found because the plane was hit by AA or encountered technical issues or whatever. If you don't want that, you can easily just set the spawn point up above without any airplanes involved. Just an individual with their parachute. Don't start with the **** about

"urgh players will travel the map with their parachutes urgh *ape sounds*"

The distances one can travel before landing should not be more than 1,500m. Just to know about where you are.

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only those people complain about current spawnpoints who dont get it that current spawnpoints are not chosen for gameplay reasons but to direct player traffic to certain areas for testing purposes. map balance - properly balancing loot and character spawns - will not begin until well into beta, when all features are completely implemented and working.

Edited by e47

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I dont understand the logic behind people thinking that the Devs want respawning to be an enjoyable experience, death should be something to be avoided at all costs, not just a minor inconvenience.


If people are complaining about the spawn points then i'd say they are working as intended.

Edited by Fluxley
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This is quite the innovation.  I think you should patent it and make a billion dollars with it.


So a lot of people are complaining about being spawned on the coast, miles away from buildings and towns. The seaside towns are usually poor in supplies and people sometimes spawn in the rain. This might sound weird but it could be a very nice feature in the game.


A good idea would be Parachutes.


Imagine being thrown off the back of a C-130 plane. You could see where you would fall and know where you are. Of course it won't be that easy to pinpoint your location based on what you see but you can use the parachute to fly towards the location you want. That would reduce the time it takes for a player to reach his desired destination or the nearest city. The parachute should not be able to travel across the map in 5 minutes or cover long distances. The players should not land more than 1,5 km away from the place they were deployed. The parachute should be an option for all players. The landing speed should be fair. As is in reality. If you want a scenario behind this, you can say that your character was forced to jump off the plane grabbing the first parachute he/she found because the plane was hit by AA or encountered technical issues or whatever. If you don't want that, you can easily just set the spawn point up above without any airplanes involved. Just an individual with their parachute. Don't start with the **** about

"urgh players will travel the map with their parachutes urgh *ape sounds*"

The distances one can travel before landing should not be more than 1,500m. Just to know about where you are.

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But wasnt the lore always that the ship you were on crashed out at sea and you washed up? I thought that was always the expanation

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I really want to see short back-stories for new spawns and varied items on spawn... not anything like guns, but maybe different types of flashlights, maps of the area, just not the same thing every time. I mean, I could see some people washing up on shore and not knowing where they are, but maybe some people were hiking near Msta and got lost in the woods... or maybe some people were hiding out in Novy Sobor and ran out of food in their pantry etc.


Of course, there are about 2,000 things the developers need to worry about before this, but a guy can dream.

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That'd be great right?


Imagine seeing a guy coming from no where in a parachute.


Not to mention you'll be a huge target for anyone in the area who sees an enourmous parachute floating to the ground.


And, remind me again why a C-130 is throwing you into the apocalypse with nothing but a flashlight and battery.

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But wasnt the lore always that the ship you were on crashed out at sea and you washed up? I thought that was always the expanation


Never been the official explanation.


There has never been any official explanation as to the "backstory" of our avatars. Which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

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