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velyse (DayZ)

Night time darkness levels. (ATI Vs nVidia)

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Been playing the past couple nights with a small group of friends from another board and realized that they can see at night far far better than I. we both took a couple screenshots and it was clear that there's something wrong on my end or with ATI drivers perhaps. With gamma and brightness set to max for myself and him these are the images produced.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

nvidia 680


ati 5870x2


Now, also, another guy we play with that has an nvidia card reported that his produced similar images to the top and nothing like mine on the bottom.

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I have a GTX680 and see what you have at the bottom with my Gamma up, though I think boosting the Gamma is lame (just like alt-F4 disconnecting, locking servers to gather loot etc) and I play default (1.0) anyway.

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AMD Radeon HD 6670

with moon: i can see like that

without moon: pitch black

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I have a Sapphire Radeon HD 6950 2 GB and I see the bottom. I was playing with a few guys the other night and they could not understand how I could not see at night..

Now I understand how I keep getting killed at night lol.

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I was curious as to why the gamma trick still worked for me but my ATI friends had no such luck. Not that it matters, i only play day servers if i can help it!

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Lame or not, this is a big problem either way. Give half the playerbase a major advantage at night over the other half of the playerbase.

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Got nothing to do with ATI.

Try changing your HRD to a value higher than "normal". Should be fine.

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I have an ATI radeon 6950 1gb And if i crank my gamma and brightness to max mine is brighter than then top the picture.

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6970 here, can only see like the bottom image at night even with gamma/brightness all the way up.

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I took a few samples for those interested, i'm on a gtx560ti, untouched gamma, my screens where calibrated a while ago with a professional graphism colorimetric probe.

The game simulate the moon phases and the procession of the stars in the sky based on the day, month, year and the seasons, those where taken with a clear weather.

may 20, 2012: new moon 0:00


june 4, 2012: full moon 0:00


Now to illustrate the seasonal difference i took the same screens with the time set around october.

october 15, 2012: new moon 0:00


october 29, 2012: full moon 0:00


If you can't see any of the buildings and details on the full moon screens, your displays/graphic card is set too dark.

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note that both upper screenshots were set with maximum gamma and brightness, taken at the same time, on the same server, at the same location. Do you mind taking another shot with the new moon setting and gamma/brightness turned to max?

I do not believe display calibration carries over to 3d games for the most part as most games want to control that on their own. I could be totally wrong though but I know I do use f.lux and only certain games are affected by the color temp change and arma is not one of them.

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As someone pointed out, if you can't see anything, even with gamma and brightness maxed you need to set HDR Quality higher in the advanced video settings.

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also, include your watch in the screen shots to ensure that its not a time desync problem, aka no moon yet.

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Only experienced night time in the game one time so far, and it looked pretty much like the bottom picture in the topic starter. I have a GTX 580.

But @Lady Kyrah, i can see the buildings and such just fine on your full moon pictures, so i guess it all depends on season and moon placement? Nothing wrong with my settings, or?

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