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Heavy microlags

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Hey guys,


dunno if it's my machine or the servers/dayz, but I experience heavy micro lags since ~one week. Every 15-30 seconds I get stuck for ~0,5-1,5 secs.. do eny other players experience this or is it just a problem of my system?



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Now that's an interesting one the app itself suffered this some time ago, many revisions back to be fair, where it would drop like you described. However this was resolved in a further patch. From memory it was all to do with the clouds and turning them off (disabled) resolved it for the client. However as I say the actual issue was many patches ago and was subsequently sorted. 

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Hm ok, perhaps I should check my system..

It's mostly after joining a game for the first time, after playing ~1-2 hours it's almost completely gone

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