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To All New Players Hoping To Find A Place In A Complicated And Dangerous World

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You bring up your gun, your looking down the sights. You feel a drop of sweat run down the side of your cheek, your head feels hot, and the gun gets harder to steady. You're not sure if he's friendly, but you aren't going to risk it, you've died too many damn times, and can't take any more crap. You bring your gun up one last time, take a deep breath, pray he doesn't bitch on the forums, and squeeze the trigger.


He drops, and you quickly rush over to gather your new food, weapons and ammo. You've got it all, and you feel good. You finally have the map and matches you need to get out of beans wars. As your making your way up a hill, finally heading inland, you hear the distinct sound of gunfire.

Woosh, snap, pop pop.

You get down, look around, don't see shit, and keep moving, hoping you don't get hit, after all, you used your last bandage fighting off those zombies. Whoooosh, smack. You're bleeding, badly, you role over unconscious, not knowing what to do.

You Are Dead


I think it's fair to say, we've all had this experience before, and I know that we all get angry when we're this close to getting out of that starter area, finally feeling like our investment was worth it. This game is ruthless, unforgiving, and has a steep learning curve when trying to survive. You need to make mistakes and learn from them to get good.

This is where we come in. Who are we? We're Just Another Group, or JAG for short. We're a tight, closed-circuit, off the map professional group with hundreds of hours of experience in Arma and DayZ. Recently, the number of new players being unable to leave 'bean wars' has been, quite frankly, shocking, and we want to assist in increasing the Average Life Expextancy counter, and help the numbers rise a bit.

Myself and the other members of the group would like to help out any newly started players, and their friends, get out of the towns along the coast, whilst providing you with the best advice in the game to make sure once you reach inland, you stay alive. We are based in Europe but we don't have a problem working with people from the other side of the world, as long as we can get the times sorted out.

Wait... What?! What Exactly is This?

What we are basically offering is an escort service, we will meet up with you, then help take you out of the coastal areas and bring you inland. While doing this, we'll make sure you get enough gear and supplies to keep you alive, when we leave you to fend for yourself. Simple, Right?

Oooh, OK. I Get It, But How Do I Take Advantage of This?

Essentially what would happen is:

1. You contact me, either on the forum or on steam. We chat on TS/Skype about the game a bit and how you're finding it, just so I can get to know you a bit so I can trust you. And so you can trust me.

2. We meet up, me and one other member of JAG, and get down to business. We have a nice time, we answer all your questions, we find you some nice equipment, and then we part ways.

3. We wish you luck, and ask that you post about your experience here, so people know we don't just want to steal their beans :-)

Why are we doing this?

Who knows, it's just a part of us wanting to make the mod as enjoyable for others as it is for us, and we know that the starting week is a bitch, so we're trying to ease the pain for some people.

Anyway, that's my long ass post about trying to help the community, maybe you'll want it, maybe you won't. If you don't understand something, please feel free to PM me or send me a message on steam!

Many Thanks,


Contact me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027274130

Screenshots and pictures to make the thread more attractive coming soon!

IMPORTANT: Wow! Looks like the response has been great! Because of the fantastic number of people wanting to get escorted, we ask that any player looking to contact me please be patient with receiving your escort, it takes about 2-3 hours to get someone off the coast and inland with nice gear. Expect on weekends the number of people we are able to get through to be much more. We do promise to get back to people within 48 hours. Thank you for your understanding. :-)

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