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Playing the good guy...

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Its amazing how this game has twisted me.... I am especially suspicious of overly friendly players... if they are not well equipped they are bait to get you standing still for their sniper buddy... if they are well equipped then they will likely kill you first chance.  The best encounter for me is another equipped player, grunting a few words then heading off in separate directions.


The only saving grace for the game though is a lot of this is less of an issue when you are in a group.  2 min, pref 3+

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I can be a good guy only with freshspawns.



Its lovely how they will always try to kill you. And i love to point my gun at theyr faces when they are close to smash my head with a shovel, warning them that its a bad idea and still taking them with you.




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If I heard someone singing down their mic that was constantly on, I'd shoot them for being annoying. It's hard enough to hear zombies coming up behind you as it is.

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Good on you to play DayZ differently. Might be more fun to react to players depending on the decision off a coin toss. Then there can be a middle ground of hero and bandit classification to play with lol.

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If you start KOS'ing because youve been KOS'ed then your every bit as part of the problem as the ones who did it to you. Also my point was that some people are trustworthy. You have just told me that 10% of your encounters are friendly. That's pretty damn good if you ask me xD.


Why does a large part of the community attributes the problem with the game to KOS? KOS is a valid strategy in a survival game and is not the problem at all.


Trolling is the actual cancer here. Running as a suicidal maniac with 1 bullet in a mosin to add another stick in the K/D ratio is as much problematic as running around with no pants singing stupid songs despite of being harmless. Both are inadequate behaviours for an apocalyptic situation.


Killing someone for their possessions is, and always was, an inseparable aspect of social (or rather the anti-social part) life. Advocating that someone has no skill because he/she didn't initiate an elaborate conversation prior to the event is just wrong. There is only one loosely imposed rule in DayZ - stay alive. Of course you can enjoy going "against the stream", but you cannot say that those who stick with it are playing the game wrong.


Bottom line, going for death-match mentality is equally bad to trying to make SecondLife out of DayZ. If you're tired of being killed by acting too heroic you're doing it wrong.


I'm not trying to say that anyone should play DayZ in a specific way, just try to distinguish between valid KOS from trolling KOS.

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Why does a large part of the community attributes the problem with the game to KOS? KOS is a valid strategy in a survival game and not a problem at all

The only reason i say "problem" is because 90% of alot of peoples experiences is being killed on sight or at least being forced to defend themselves.

The "problem" is causing more and more players to lose trust in others and join that 90%. I wish KOSing could be about 30% personally. That way its sorta realistic at least.

I never ment KOSing itself was a problem, just how often it happens is. Also it IS a valid playstyle i just wish there was more people who did it for a reason besides pure enjoyment.

Edit: Another thing, I never said it was the source of DayZ's problems. DayZ has ALOT of problems at this point. Lowering the number KOSers in the game only fixes one in one hundred. But then again this is alpha and im sure most of them will be fixed at some point.

P.S. This is just my opinion.

Edited by Murlough
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The only reason i say "problem" is because 90% of alot of peoples experiences is being killed on sight or at least being forced to defend themselves.

The "problem" is causing more and more players to lose trust in others and join that 90%. I wish KOSing could be about 30% personally. That way its sorta realistic at least.

I never ment KOSing itself was a problem, just how often it happens is. Also it IS a valid playstyle i just wish there was more people who did it for a reason besides pure enjoyment.

Edit: Another thing, I never said it was the source of DayZ's problems. DayZ has ALOT of problems at this point. Lowering the number KOSers in the game only fixes one in one hundred. But then again this is alpha and im sure most of them will be fixed at some point.

P.S. This is just my opinion.


Hmm, I probably exaggerated then a bit. We seem to share a common ground here - "Also it IS a valid playstyle i just wish there was more people who did it for a reason besides pure enjoyment."


I'm also aware that the "for the lulz" problem is due to alpha stage of the game. If balanced zombie-apocalypse-wise mechanics were probably implemented, than we should see the problem diminish. One of them is the actual struggle to survive, as currently there is none. Some of the top of my hat:


- So many zombies that firing a gun should immediately bring a crowd of them on your ass, forcing the player either keep shooting down incoming ones (bringing more and more), or run (which also shouldn't guarantee a safe getaway).


- Weapons so rare that the "for the lulz" crowd moves to some other game.


- (this one is a bit extreme) Having food and liquids be consumed at a normal or slower rate when you don't play. This would force players to actually scavenge during their playtime and work together rather than derp around.

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I agree with the first two at least. I would strongly prefer not eating when im logged off (i may have read that wrong so if I did feel free to let me know xD). But yeah, hopefully that will come eventually.

Also i think that there should be a limit to how many zombies come to you if you fire a weapon. An endless stream of zombies would make using firearms a deathwish.

The way Id like it to be is it draws in zombies within a large radius from the shots to the shooters location. That way if he stays in a certain area said person could at least have a chance of survival.

And the zombies should respawn in a different part of Chernebus that way it at least appears that you have cleared an area. That would also give people room to set a perimeter around the area and maybe fortify it. (Thats assuming large groups of players will work together more and we eventually get to do that sort of thing.)

Anyway thats my wish for what the game to become. If you watch TWD then id like it to be how Rick's group lived in the Prison. Sending out groups of people for scavenging and having people guard the perimeters. Lol i know im ranting but just think of all the possibilties!

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So I'd like some advice. I recently got murdered as a relative freshspawn, and I think it was in Chernogorsk though I can't be sure.  Almost knocked the guy out but he had an M4 with seemingly unlimited ammo.


According to my subjective, personal opinion guaranteed in Western society by a variety of basic rights, the guy was a n00b (boy did he suck at shooting) and a douche, and I figure most people that run around fully geared hunting freshspawn are that type of person.


So I'd like to go out and hunt the hunters as it were. So in your experiences, where do mass murdering people tend to hang around? I'm not asking about people looking for conflict such as at NEAF or NWAF, I mean people that come in geared like special forces to go hunt freshspawn that just started gearing up.

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I find that when a clan of 6 full gears jump out of nowhere, unsuspecting peeps are much more agreeable to wat you say >:)

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So I'd like some advice. I recently got murdered as a relative freshspawn, and I think it was in Chernogorsk though I can't be sure.  Almost knocked the guy out but he had an M4 with seemingly unlimited ammo.


According to my subjective, personal opinion guaranteed in Western society by a variety of basic rights, the guy was a n00b (boy did he suck at shooting) and a douche, and I figure most people that run around fully geared hunting freshspawn are that type of person.


So I'd like to go out and hunt the hunters as it were. So in your experiences, where do mass murdering people tend to hang around? I'm not asking about people looking for conflict such as at NEAF or NWAF, I mean people that come in geared like special forces to go hunt freshspawn that just started gearing up.


Kamy, Elektro, Solin, and Berenzino.


Buuut, u happen to see a group of people running through the trees, it might be me and my guys, sooo, come say hi, were friendly, and are doing the same thing you want to.

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I played a "good guy" for so long, it got boring. Now I play more survival style. I won't KOS people, but I'm not afraid to kill without more reason than "I want your gear" either. 

I stabbed a man in the head with a screwdriver yesterday, because I wanted his riders jacket. A few days ago, I shot a man in the head because he didn't want to talk to me.





Sometimes it's fun not being the good guy. :P

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Kamy, Elektro, Solin, and Berenzino.


Buuut, u happen to see a group of people running through the trees, it might be me and my guys, sooo, come say hi, were friendly, and are doing the same thing you want to.


Thanks for the info, I think I was wrong with Cherno. I'm at the spot where I thought it happened but no containers at the docks. Are they at Elektro?


EDIT: Forget it. It seems that it was Guba Bay / Svetlojarsk where it happened. It's the only place I could find with that large hangar like building and some freight containers right by the docks.

Edited by ColonelBurton

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Thanks for the info, I think I was wrong with Cherno. I'm at the spot where I thought it happened but no containers at the docks. Are they at Elektro?


EDIT: Forget it. It seems that it was Guba Bay / Svetlojarsk where it happened. It's the only place I could find with that large hangar like building and some freight containers right by the docks.


Could be, the docks at Elektro are pretty empty, the most noticeable landmarks of Elektro are, the city entrance sign, the notorious sniper hills, and the remote fire station.

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had an idea i saw on YT, gear up fully....find a bambi (who doesn't try to punch you) and give it all away, say they are the chosen one.

you'll get interesting reactions, and you may even get killed by em......or they'll run from you thinking it's a trap.

Edited by Reg Park

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had an idea i saw on YT, gear up fully....find a bambi (who doesn't try to punch you) and give it all away, say they are the chosen one.

you'll get interesting reactions, and you may even get killed by em......or they'll run from you thinking it's a trap.


I actually went up to a few saying "Are you the one?? PLEASE!! I MUST KNOW!!! ARE ... YOU... THE... ONE??"


None ever responded but they sometimes put their fists up and went for me => instakill


Most ran away sadly. The idea was to tell them that there is reason to celebrate (then offer them a Rasputin Kvass), since we have now found the cure for the outbreak. Then tell them, that unfortunately, the cure is in their head and I have to take it out of them (EDIT: then go for my axe). Then run after them trying to convince them that this is for the greater good of all humanity!!

Edited by ColonelBurton

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