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Pocket T-Shirt?

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Hello I have been thinking about this while now but will we ever see a pocket t-shirt? I personally would like to see one just to give me a reason to wear a t-shirt besides ripping it up right away. I don't mean start off with it either but finding one so I can wear a t-shirt with a slot under my mega vest kind of like when they previewed the combat scene for dayz with the guy limping away (if you remember the devblog). But I want to actually wear a t-shirt like that because it feels weird always having my arms covered to have any inventory. well just let me know what you guys and gals think, and I tried a search for a similar topic but found nothing so sorry if a repost.  

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Imagine how cool it would be if a copy of the New Testament that you found somewhere (which is all you'd have room for) saved your life by stopping a bullet that would have hit your heart otherwise.



Just sayin'.

Edited by Mancomb

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