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Saturday Night Gun Fight #3

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SolUni will be having another gun fight this saturday night.  I will grab a group of guys and we will be taking control of a town on the east coast.  WHAT town and time exactly will be hidden until we are ready.  I welcome the DayZ Community to come retake the town from us; Bandit, Hero, new spawns, Clans, anyone! With our successful capture of Polana last weekend, we expect you all to come, guns blazing!  Ill update this forum post again on Saturday with further information a few hours before the gun fight starts to give everyone our location to stop us!  If we are able to hold the town for an hour, we will claim victory and withdraw knowing that the DayZ community could not do a damned thing!  Or maybe we will be wiped out this time? Hmm....I'll see you all Saturday!


P.S. just like all our other town sieges, its gonna be on a night time server....only the brave need apply!

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Information for the gunfight will be posted in a few hours, it will be on a town at the east coast! Currently rallying the available troops so...my next post will be location and time!

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We are also taking volunteers who may be interested in on the defenders side, expect a gunfight, dark server, and people looking to come murder you...get ahold of me on Steam "Aaronjin"  same logo here :P. everyone else, see you ingame! :O

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SolUni has taken control of Khelm at (server adress)  Come find us so we can put a bullet in ya! Dont like it? Do something! Or not....like last week xD brave only need apply!

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SolUni has captured Khelm successfully; and now with Polana and Khelm in our pockets, we can not seem to be stopped!  Hmm...maybe better luck next Saturday, DayZ community!  Posting for the next Saturday Night Gun Fight this Monday, stay tuned!

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