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Capt. J. Dobson [42. Cdo]

N.S.W Team Server - A fair play Server!

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Naval Special Warfare





N.S.W. Is a unit combined with ex military, current serving and or people with Milsim experience who come together to organize set operations and carry out anti banditry plus security operations. We are not a bandit unit and in order to join the teams you need to have a set level of maturity and experience is preferred. We have carried out many successful operations despite having to overcome the odds. If your looking for a team that works almost professionally as a team, uses set communication (TS) who is well organised then look no further, check our requirements below!




- Age 17+ 

- High Level of Maturity 

- Ability to Learn and Listen (Military experience or not, there are differences in some tactics the basics are the same however how we utilize them maybe different) 

- Teamspeak 

- Mic




We do not use rank tags ingame however there is a small rank structure we use, as we hope to be around a 8 - 10 man unit split into two teams our structure isn't large but is effective. 


- Candidate - New Members still learning about tactics, operational procedure etc... anyone with ex military experience and who can demonstrate this may go straight to Operator. 


- Operator - Standard rank for all passed members into N.S.W


- Specialist - Specialists are people who use set equipment i.e. they could be Medics (Medical equipment), Marksmen (Long range weaponry and excellent shots, scouts)


- Team Leader - Team leaders must have excellent map reading an excellent map reading ability and the ability to lead, they will lead 4 - 5 man teams into operations. Military experience is preferred. 


- Chief - The N.S.W unit commander who's role is to set up operations, look after the well being of members and assist in any and all unit HR. 


How to Apply 


Please contact myself through steam on RAFDobby or through the forums. 


If you wish to be providing with security in your server against bandits to help your community also contact me through these methods. 


I have past military experience with the Royal Marines, I got to week 17 in training then took injury. They are now sponsoring me through University to which when I finish my course I am back into training. 


You can also apply at http://nswdayz.enjin.com/




P.S. We do have set gear for people to operate with, this will be made clear upon joining. 


Also have a server and Teamspeak!


post-206858-0-11473000-1401197941_thumb.   post-206858-0-00456500-1401198022_thumb. post-206858-0-53304800-1401198066_thumb.

Edited by Dobson
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Great ops this weekend! We provided security for newspawns, taking down bandits and zeds. If that sounds like something you'd enjoy, contact us.

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Naval Special Warfare Server! Our Team finally has a DayZ server up! we hope to encourage fair play, teamwork and a strong community! If you become a regular player, then add me and you will be welcome to join our TS with you fellow survivors! We are also recruiting quite heavily! Looking for Ex Military, Current or Milsim experienced people. 


Server Details! 


Naval Special Warfare Unit - EU, Fairplay, 2HR 


Start Time: 10:00 Morning

Restarts: 2 Hour

Fair Play! Play Fair!



The N.S.W Team's AO is generally around Solnichney the eastern coast! we will protect, help and provide security from Zombies or Bandits as best we can! 


Thank You! 


Need security? Want equipment? Need helping getting gear? Want that M4? Donate to our server and we will attach a 4 man team to help you succeed!



Steam RAFDobby



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I am looking to join a solid team. I haven't been playing DayZ for long (About 25 hours), but I have military experience, that I could possibly bring to the table. I am 24 years old and play in the Central time zone. I just sent you a friend request through steam as well (dp_cakes89).

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Naval Special Warfare





N.S.W. Is a unit combined with ex military, current serving and or people with Milsim experience who come together to organize set operations and carry out anti banditry plus security operations. We are not a bandit unit and in order to join the teams you need to have a set level of maturity and experience is preferred. We have carried out many successful operations despite having to overcome the odds. If your looking for a team that works almost professionally as a team, uses set communication (TS) who is well organised then look no further, we work in teams of 4 - 5 at a high level of play check our requirements below!




- Age 17+ 

- High Level of Maturity 

- Ability to Learn and Listen (Military experience or not, there are differences in some tactics the basics are the same however how we utilize them maybe different) 

- Teamspeak 

- Mic




We do not use rank tags ingame however there is a small rank structure we use, as we hope to be around a 8 - 10 man unit split into two teams our structure isn't large but is effective. 


- Candidate - New Members still learning about tactics, operational procedure etc... anyone with ex military experience and who can demonstrate this may go straight to Operator. 


- Operator - Standard rank for all passed members into N.S.W


- Specialist - Specialists are people who use set equipment i.e. they could be Medics (Medical equipment), Marksmen (Long range weaponry and excellent shots, scouts)


- Team Leader - Team leaders must have excellent map reading an excellent map reading ability and the ability to lead, they will lead 4 - 5 man teams into operations. Military experience is preferred. 


- Chief The N.S.W unit commander who's role is to set up operations, look after the well being of members and assist in any and all unit HR. 


How to Apply 


Please contact myself through steam on RAFDobby or through the forums. 


If you wish to be providing with security in your server against bandits to help your community also contact me through these methods. 


I have past military experience with the Royal Marines, I got to week 17 in training then took injury. They are now sponsoring me through University to which when I finish my course I am back into training. 


You can also apply at http://nswdayz.enjin.com/




P.S. We do have set gear for people to operate with, this will be made clear upon joining. 


Op Photos: 


Op Wondering Lion, Sniper Team providing cover for Team 1 as they patrol on the ground 

 post-206858-0-94049400-1401672383_thumb. post-206858-0-98789200-1401672446_thumb. 


Op Closed Casino, Team 1 held up in a woodblock at CP Hope 





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