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Saunders (DayZ)


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Hey guys,


I was just wondering if there is a time limit or any sort of indication/info on when DayZ will become more optimized so that when in cities the game won't be as laggy as it is currently?


Thanks in advance,


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They do little bits here and there but from my understanding (I am not a programmer) optimisation and balancing comes at the end of the development process. Also from my understanding when they go to 64bit (in the next couple of months maybe) that will help a lot with the cities etc.


Hope that helps

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for fracks sake it's an  ALPHA

Edited by pycco

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Give this FPS ehancer a go http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154330-possible-fps-enhancer/ in the meantime.  The constant change in patches will have different outcomes in terms of performance each time things are tweaked.  This will help a bit though.





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for fracks sake it's an  ALPHA

All he asked for is info on when optimization will happen , jeez you people are getting worse and worse.

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All he asked for is info on when optimization will happen , jeez you people are getting worse and worse.

its given that the game being an alpha will under go massive changes, including optimization this is a common sense question he could have answered with 10 seconds of thought.

how was i rude by stating the obvious? even you 


 said basically the same thing with smaller word is all

so did NexVentor once again with smaller word.


and if saying frack is rude why are you playing dayZ?

Edited by pycco

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Hi there...

Optimization  in Beta...but like Nex said, things over here and there, to keep the game as stable as it can...

Right now is mostly Server-side oprimization(i heard).


for fracks sake it's an  ALPHA

There´s no need to be rude, my friend. He asked a question in a polite way... 

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From what I heard from Rocket is that they haven't even bothered touching optimization yet.

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You should expect more city optimizations about Q3 of this year my friend. :)

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You don't really optimise until you have everything in what you want, so prob Beta.


That said i'm sure the Devs aren't just adding more and more stuff without doing some optimising as they go....

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for fracks sake it's an ALPHA

S/he was not complaining, just asking a simple question. Your "Alpha" cries are unnessary and not appreciated. Edit: FOR FRACKS SAKE! Edited by Murlough
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its given that the game being an alpha will under go massive changes, including optimization this is a common sense question he could have answered with 10 seconds of thought.

how was i rude by stating the obvious? even you


said basically the same thing with smaller word is all

so did

NexVentor once again with smaller word.

and if saying frack is rude why are you playing dayZ?

He didnt ask if it will be done later, he asked if it has been worked on and if it is being worked on currently. And yes your "For fracks sake" comment WAS rude and unnecessary. Edited by Murlough

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He didnt ask if it will be done later, he asked if it has been worked on and if it is being worked on currently. And yes your "For fracks sake" comment WAS rude and unnecessary.

fair enough, i get that you feel that way but that is not how i intended it to come across just trying to hit the point home. that it is still in alpha phase of development and much will be changed and improved upon.

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for fracks sake it's an  ALPHA


You're the reason why people complain when someone gives a constructive reply and adds the word "Alpha" people exactly like you. Goddamn you and all like you.



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