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cheaters make game unplayable

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The last week has been impossible to enjoy the game. The game is filled with cheaters. In the last week I've killed over 20 players with unlimited mags. I've been killed countless of times from people teleporting behind me. Some of them not even caring to hide the fact that they are cheating and teleporting right in front.


I liked looting with my friends and then heading to Berezino for some DM. But, now it's impossible.


We need an update ASAP to deal with these assholes

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another newbie who complains about berezino death match having cheaters. Want less cheaters? Leave the damn coast. Hacks won't be fixed anytime soon. Only unlimited ammo hack has a fix, but it won't come for a month at least. Personally I find it funny that some people are so bad at this game (which is so easy, that it is insane) that they resort to cheating. I mean, how of a loser one has to be to use cheats in a such easy game? Counterstrike requires more skill than DayZ.

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I have played over 100h, have yet to see a hacker.

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Yeah the cheating is off the fucking charts on this game. But since all the fan boys continue to say this is normal and other hames have the same problem..... Why would the devs and owners lift a damn finger?

Im sick of getting killed by people who teleport to me and just the other night i watched my brother be disarmed and killed while my buddies and me did our best to kill the others. The spns of bitches teleported back as new spawns as we killed them.

To hell with this lazy ass programing. I have not seen this much hacking since every asian kid found out how to hack counter strike.

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Yeah the cheating is off the fucking charts on this game. But since all the fan boys continue to say this is normal and other hames have the same problem..... Why would the devs and owners lift a damn finger?

Im sick of getting killed by people who teleport to me and just the other night i watched my brother be disarmed and killed while my buddies and me did our best to kill the others. The spns of bitches teleported back as new spawns as we killed them.

To hell with this lazy ass programing. I have not seen this much hacking since every asian kid found out how to hack counter strike.


U mad? Come back in a year.


P.S You dont have to be a fanboy, to have common sense.

Edited by So Sexy
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I have played over 100h, have yet to see a hacker.


I just hit 300h last night and I've run into a few and caught two on video.  Everyone likes to say "I've played X amount of hours and haven't seen one" but they do exist and play every night.  Go to a heavy populated area on a full server and you're bound to find one eventually.  Most of the users complaining about hacking I've seen are just mad they got beat in a firefight, but not everyone is wrong or lying.


Now that that's out of the way OP seems like he plays DayZ SA as a death match simulator.  Against his play style I almost support the cheaters.  Almost.

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I just hit 300h last night and I've run into a few and caught two on video.  Everyone likes to say "I've played X amount of hours and haven't seen one" but they do exist and play every night.  Go to a heavy populated area on a full server and you're bound to find one eventually.  Most of the users complaining about hacking I've seen are just mad they got beat in a firefight, but not everyone is wrong or lying.


Now that that's out of the way OP seems like he plays DayZ SA as a death match simulator.  Against his play style I almost support the cheaters.  Almost.


The game is work in progress, so no need to create 100th stupid whine thread, I dont even get why people are in the game, its hardly playable imo.

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Play on 20+ player servers, well over 500 hrs of gameplay, yet to see a single hacker. Never found a glitched mag or anything. Consider me lucky I guess. Haven't played in around a month and wont start playing until the experimental build out right now comes to stable. But I have seen videos and what not of hacking and its definitely out there. Also be sure you're considering it hacking and not being flanked.

Good luck and happy alpha gameplay

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The game is work in progress, so no need to create 100th stupid whine thread, I dont even get why people are in the game, its hardly playable imo.


I agree it's a work in progress.  I also agree that these whine threads are moronic and a waste of everyone's time.  As far as why people continue to play the game?  The open sandbox environment and the ability to make conscious decisions on everything your character does is pretty neat.  The limitlessness of what it is, and can be, keeps me playing.

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I have played over 100h, have yet to see a hacker.

I have 400 and no hackers here

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The game is clearly unfinished. Instead of posting a pointless thread complaining about hacking, you could take a break from the game and come back when it's finished. You clearly will not be of any use to the development team complaining about hacks rather than reporting the bugs on the dev tracker.

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You guys are hilarious. I can't believe you are complaining because I'm reporting the increasing number of cheaters in an OPEN forum. I've been playing for a long time and I only started seeing cheaters last week. Which is why I'm posting it.

Don't like it? Don't read the fucking post.

And no, i don't play the game as a DM simulator. As I said, I loot and get gear and then I go to Berezino cause frankly, there's nothing left to do.

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341 hours in experimental exclusively and have yet to see a confirmed hack while I've been online. Plenty of 'features' getting in the way of play, but no hackers.


Unless this rubber-banding on experimental is some new exploit.... took me 15 mins to walk 20m on AU-001 last night!!

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I liked looting with my friends and then heading to Berezino for some DM.



i don't play the game as a DM simulator.


Come again?





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another newbie who complains about berezino death match having cheaters. Want less cheaters? Leave the damn coast. Hacks won't be fixed anytime soon. Only unlimited ammo hack has a fix, but it won't come for a month at least. Personally I find it funny that some people are so bad at this game (which is so easy, that it is insane) that they resort to cheating. I mean, how of a loser one has to be to use cheats in a such easy game? Counterstrike requires more skill than DayZ.


I don't see why anyone needs to cheat in any game anymore, I'm nearly 32 and I haven't had to, or felt inclined top use any cheats since I was 10.  And back then some games were so freaking hard that you HAD to use them, and that was if you could find them out. I would never had been able to finish Kid Gloves on the Amiga if I hadn't fluked finding the inconsistent 'infinite lives' cheat..


Anyone else remember those days?

Edited by =FOX= Damocles

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Come again?

Selective quoting is fun. Or maybe you didn't read the whole comment. As I said, for the 3rd time now, DM is one of the only things left to do in the game once you have gear and a healthy status

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OP is just mad cus he lost his wonderful gear  :P  B)  :blush:  :)

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Selective quoting is fun. Or maybe you didn't read the whole comment. As I said, for the 3rd time now, DM is one of the only things left to do in the game once you have gear and a healthy status


I, as well as everyone else in this thread, read the whole comment.  I was just showing that you're a purely DM player.  You respond, again, with "It's the only thing to do!".  How does this make my original statement incorrect or even something for you to argue?


Also, there is much more in this game than running to Berezino and getting in firefights.  If you can't figure it out feel free to take your lack of imagination and leave until full release.

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OP is just mad cus he lost his wonderful gear :P B) :blush: :)

Not mad for losing gear. That's the first rule of dayz, never get attached to your gear. What pisses me off is getting killed by bambis who can't even aim right

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You guys are hilarious. I can't believe you are complaining because I'm reporting the increasing number of cheaters in an OPEN forum. I've been playing for a long time and I only started seeing cheaters last week. Which is why I'm posting it.

Don't like it? Don't read the fucking post.

And no, i don't play the game as a DM simulator. As I said, I loot and get gear and then I go to Berezino cause frankly, there's nothing left to do.

Your not reporting cheaters and we ALREADY know that. You know their is a search function right? AND a thread all about the cheating...*sigh*

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I, as well as everyone else in this thread, read the whole comment. I was just showing that you're a purely DM player. You respond, again, with "It's the only thing to do!". How does this make my original statement incorrect or even something for you to argue?

Also, there is much more in this game than running to Berezino and getting in firefights. If you can't figure it out feel free to take your lack of imagination and leave until full release.

Noe you are quoting something I never said. Cute.

I didn't say DM is the only thing to do. Try to follow me on this one, don't get distracted. It's one of the only things left to do once you have full gear and healthy status. Unless you enjoy running to another town and packing your backpack with yet another rice bag.

Besides, what's the problem with DM? The whole purpose of the game is to do whatever the fuck you want.

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Noe you are quoting something I never said. Cute.

I didn't say DM is the only thing to do. Try to follow me on this one, don't get distracted. It's one of the only things left to do once you have full gear and healthy status. Unless you enjoy running to another town and packing your backpack with yet another rice bag.

Besides, what's the problem with DM? The whole purpose of the game is to do whatever the fuck you want.


I literally quoted the exact words that you typed.  You know this is text based and people can read your original comments right?  I never said there was a problem with someone, such as yourself, choosing to play a DM style.  I just showed my dislike for it. 


Myself responding anymore after this would be pointless.

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I agree, cheating has increased drastically in the past week.  It's every high populated server I've been on lately.  I say this as some one who never saw an actual hacker (NOT just wall glitch/ammo duping, that shits been common but I don't consider an actual hack) till very recently.


Hope something gets done, really don't want to see it go the way of the mod =/

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I literally quoted the exact words that you typed. You know this is text based and people can read your original comments right? I never said there was a problem with someone, such as yourself, choosing to play a DM style. I just showed my dislike for it.

Myself responding anymore after this would be pointless.

You said you would support cheaters rather than DM players. So fuck you. You flip your statement faster than a pancake

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I agree, cheating has increased drastically in the past week. It's every high populated server I've been on lately. I say this as some one who never saw an actual hacker (NOT just wall glitch/ammo duping, that shits been common but I don't consider an actual hack) till very recently.

Hope something gets done, really don't want to see it go the way of the mod =/

It might have something to do with the attack they had on their servers. They stole the source code of the game, so it might be related. I hope next patch fixes this issue

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