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Wishlist for the finished game:

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1: Make caned food rare.

Finding canned food should be a reason to celebrate. Make players actually feel like they fight for survival. The biggest part of food should be hunting and picking apples/mushrooms. even in a village that hasnt ben looted yet it should be rare to actually find enough food. Maybe a bag of rice here, some caned food there.

make people work for food, search for animals and hunt or search the woods for eatalble mushrooms.


2: Mushrooms/eatable plants/roots.

Yeah, said it in point 1, create collectable mushrooms, eatable plants and roots, they are a good and realistic source of food.


3: Guns and ammo:

The most used weapon in the game should be the bow you can craft. Finding working guns should be really rare, especially outside of the military bases. Same with Ammo. having like 10 shots for your weapon should be something to be proud of. Ammo should be so rare that even bandits think twice before they shoot a Bambi just because his shirt makes some free rags. (Or they just have fun shooting people). After all, this game is not supposed to be CoD: Zombies, its supposed to be about survival.


4: Craftable Arrows:

from stone and wood, you should be able to create arrows. They wouldnt be as accurate as professional made arrows, but still usefull for hunting.


5: Tents

Craftable tents so groups can acually make something like a camp. They could be made from animal skins and sewing kits (for example) the more skins used the bigger the tent. Walls (wood) would also be nice.


6: Traps

Mostly sound traps, like a tripping rope connected to empty cans, coudl warn you if someone comes to your camp or just be a trap in cities to alert Zombies.


7:Zombie AI:

Sure thats in delevopement, but its still on my wishlist^^. Zombies who move around, can be tricked by throwing stuff etc.


8: Guns attract Zombies

Yeah that ones pretty standard but still gold. Whenever you fire a gun that makes a loud noise, every Zombie in the area should be alerted. Would be another way to make people think twice about shooting.


9: Non lethal weapons.

Basicly weapons to disable instead of kill. We already have things that would make good weapons: Spray cans and fire extinguishers. Both could be used to blind people and temporaly stun them. Other option wouldbe for example a stun gun.


10: custom made clothes.

Basicly make your own stuff, maybe a primitive shirt made of animal skins, camouflage made by leather/clothes and leaves/Grass armband made out of rags and spry paint (great way to identify your group/friends without killing the atmosphere. A selection of spray marks (Stars, cross, numbers, skulls, animals) would also help alot with that.


11: stamina

No more running for hours, let the characters get tired, lose water and food faster when they run instead of walk etc. As well as when you run alot you are out of breath and cant aim your gun good, you would shake while trying.


12: Pin notes on walls

Self explained I guess. You write a note and pin it on a wall so people can find and read it.


13: More different food loots.

I dont talk about MORE food loot (see point 1) but about more different kind of stuff to find. But thats purely cosmetic and low priority.


14. Growing world/bigger Server.

Yeah last point on my wishlist is that the world keeps growing. That would also allow servers to host more than 40 people.

Edited by Raoul9753
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If i'm not mistaken, most of theses features are already planned by the devs or were already suggested by other forum users :/

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If I'm not mistaken, most of these features are already implemented XD

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What about linking the respective topics in the OP. Otherwise the in-depth suggestions might drown in a flood of repeating wish list topics that don't contribute nearly as much.

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