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Cannot downgrade ARMA 2 OA to 1.62

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Hey peeps,


Me and a friend were having the typical "Bad Version" error due to having 1.63, I managed to fix mine by deleting the OA .exe's and validating, then upgrading manually. My friend, however, is still having problems, he's tried the exact same process as me (multiple times) but it does not work, we've made sure he has auto updating off, we've made sure OA beta was unistalled, and yet it always puts him up to 1.63, we've tried validating multiple times, reinstalling multiple times, I even hopped onto team viewer to do it myself and it still keeps him on 1.63 everytime, I don't get it, afaik the only difference is I have Win7 and he has Win8.


Any help is much appreciated.

Edited by no-u

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This is DayZ related, others have posted similar topics without being shut down, the top stickied post is directly related to my issue and this is basically a reply to it.

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