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BulletCatcher (DayZ)

Do spawn lists change depending on what gear you have?

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It's probably just my imagination but I am starting to think that the spawn lists change depending on what gear you are carrying. I'm sure we have all experienced a moment when we are in desperate need of a particular item only to be unable to find it no matter where we search but this phenomenon seems to have been taken to an extreme during my latest playthrough.

I have only been playing for about a week so I am still learning as I go but a few examples of what I have encountered recently are...

I newly spawn close to Cherno and proceed to search the town. I find a 1911 in the very first place I enter but over the next hour only find 1 magazine of ammo for it. In the process of searching I do come across over a dozen Markov (sp?) mags but no Markov. I also find ammunition for several other weapons but never come across any of those either. As I am leaving town I finally find a Markov so I decide to go back and pick up some of the plethora of ammo I have seen for it. As luck would have it I can no longer find any ammo for it but I do find 4 1911 mags that weren't there before.

Since I first started playing I have seen animal roaming the countryside and forests quite regularly. I have always left them alone as I have never found a box of matches so their meat did me no good just to carry around. Today I finally found some matches. Since then I have not seen a single animal though I have made my way across half the map north of Cherno.

These are just a couple of examples andby themselves mean nothing but my suspicions are growing. Maybe it's just paranoia from playing too much lately. Note... this is not a complaint. I enjoy a challenge and this mod has provided me with several of those. I am just curious if this is an intentional game mechanic or bad luck on my part.

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haha, feels like it sometimes, but no In honesty I don't think so.

Little tip, at the moment if you have revolver ammo you can right click on it in your inventory and change it into 1911 ammo and vice versa.

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I've experienced that. I was finding revolver ammo like crazy and as soon as I picked the revolver up I coulnd't find a single clip. It's actually really weird, but I don't think it's supposed to be like that.

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Makarov clips are much more common then M1911 clips as far as I've seen, M1911 is a much rarer find compared to Makarov as well.

My current playthrough I've found 15 makarovs, 1 G17, about 20 variants of AKs(AKM included), a ghillie suit, 15 different shotguns.... no M1911.

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