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Xterminator (DayZ)


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Are there still hackers? I have had a player harass my whole group over a couple days. Each time we moved base the player is not on, but when the player gets on, she finds the new base and shoots the whole place up, she always combat logs, moves to a new area and continues firing at us. She is teamed up with 2 others which we kill them most of the time, but she never dies. always combats logs.

Is there still hacks? like a hack where on your map players are revealed?

Invisiblity? Autoaim? I thought all the hackers where banned, but it still seems there are hackers.

Not a QQ thread. just a question.



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There are always hackers.

Sorry to be off-topic,but your signature is the best one in this forum.

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autoaim is just the tip of the iceberg friend

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I don't think either side arguing about the game being broken or that it's an alpha realize that the hacking problem is not using an exploit that is exclusive to DayZ. What is happening is people are using a program to bypass the as-terrible-as-Punkbuster BattleEye security and gaining the ability to insert scripts into the server to do various things. This is not a problem that can be solved by the DayZ mod, this has to be solved by BIS, so bug them about it.

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I'm not going to be bugging anyone, Just curious as to why hackers are still here after that massive amounts of bans that were handed out a couple weeks back.

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Because many of the people using the hacks are also using a GUID and CD-key Spoofer. BattleEye is not very good at it's job.

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Yeah, I have read that battleye is not the best. Would be nice if we could get the one that Steam uses. I believe it is a very good anti cheat software.

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There are always hackers.

Sorry to be off-topic' date='but your signature is the best one in this forum.


Why thank you. It is the distillation of oceans of tears and the accretion of many, many weeping posts.

I'm not going to be bugging anyone' date=' Just curious as to why hackers are still here after that massive amounts of bans that were handed out a couple weeks back.


It seems that it's an arms race.

Arma II is easily moddable, and so has been a ripe target for a very long time. It's going to be a while, I believe before there is any modicum of security. Until then, enjoy the posts of people asking for their characters to be "restored" because it's not "fair"...

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I was on a server early and everybody on the server got killed :S is a shame about the hacks at the minute its more rife than most other games right now.

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