chilleverest 0 Posted July 2, 2012 Bought arma x..patched 1.6 (beta too 94364 even with triplex adcvice patch vr 93965)did -@dayz target on shrtcut..used spirited arma 2 launcher too... used dayzbeta cmd...updated through six launcher..In game on top show expansion, dayz, beta tried numerous servers..either end up in endless barren land, either stuck on loading or character creation...on my 4 th day of trying everything..IN GRAVE HELPId: yeshuId number :11444615 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThePixell 0 Posted July 2, 2012 I have big problems too! :(I cant play the game the usual way. (Using Six Launcher)So I deleted my beta folder and installed a older version of the "beta thing" and started the game with the six updater. It worked...a few days, but now I cant play the game this way too. So every time I want to join a server it stucks on "recieving data" or the lobby. So my problems are very wierd. I have this problems now like 2 weeks and it would be awesome if there is a solution for me!Im using the Arma X Edition.My ID is: 325442 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 2, 2012 Hi there,I sent you guys an email the day before yesterday, but yea it semst to be still "semi-working" :DBut never mind i somehow managed to verify my acc. here and post it again.This is what I wrote:Hey dayz-dev-Team,i do have a problem. My character corrupted like you said in this thread: i have one of the two last released beta-patches installed (94103 or 94208) I can not join any server even if they are shown as servers with these patches as requirements and are clearly working (30+ players).Unfortunately I'm not abled to find the activation E-Mail in order do register on these forums and post it there.So, i hope i can give you my Nick an PlayerID via this little thingy.Nick FeeLiXPlayerID: 331138 or 331138AX (depending on if a later patch than 93965 is installed or not)I would like to thank you for your great support. :)Have a great day and greetings from GermanyFelixEdit: Hey there again,I just installed the very last Beta-Patch (94364).If I want to connect to a Server, right after I double-click on a server in the serverlist i get the message "FeeLiX you cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip, dayz_vehicles"Is this related to the Arma X problem or just something different!?Thanks again for your help :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
runner (DayZ) 5 Posted July 2, 2012 runner39426AX idTried everything and still cant joint also i wasnt online for 2 weeks.And another thing i have to complain:Why the heck is my account beeing deleted for not loging in for 2 weeks?I mean cant i just stay away a little bit without beeing deleted as quick as possible? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scrawler (DayZ) 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Scrawler1019268RFT idThis server is running an incorrect.. Tried to install 1.6.0 update, 93..94364 betapatches....(ArmA Reinforcements) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clutch 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Hi I'm new to Dayz and haven't been able to play because of this. I've tried everything and the only thing that's possible is my character being corrupted. My player ID is 153408. I would really appreciate any help anybody could give me as I'm not very technical and I've been excited to be able to play this for a while. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
naechtma 0 Posted July 3, 2012 hitried to fix it with reinstall and beta patch, but it still doesnt work : /somebody know the release date of patch 1.7.2? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GhostSniper (DayZ) 0 Posted July 3, 2012 name: [XX]GhostSniperid: 28228 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
averageterror 3 Posted July 3, 2012 As ARMA X Anniversary Edition user I must clarify one thing for all of you.If you have ARMA X, you can only play and max beta version of ARMA 93965. If you want to use beta patch 94103 and higher, you have to wait for DayZmod 1.7.2.The problem is related to player id. ARMA Reinforcements and X editions have player id since ARMA beta 94103 in string form as opposed to integer. (They added AX or RF at the end of player id to get rid of character mash ups since AX or RF used same numbers as CO/OA therefore f****d persistence for many of us and mixed our characters with some other's people characters.)Therefore it is impossible for us to play with new beta patch current DayZ ( - this version does not support any other character than number as playerid - which results in not recognizing ARMA X player's character in database.Two options: wait for update (1.7.2) or play servers with beta 93965.EDIT/Update:With current situation and playability of this few servers left with old, it seems like not playing DayZ is what I do ATM...Anxiously waiting... and only update I really need is this small playerid definition update... everything else is nice bonus.NoteAfter DAYZ 1.7.2 all ARMA X users have to play only 94103 and newer patches.. hopefully it will be enforced by the DayZmod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DR.ZED (DayZ) 1 Posted July 3, 2012 Name: IenUID: 136130ax Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Name: MetroracerPlayer ID: 1320646RFT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clutch 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Hi I'm new to Dayz and haven't been able to play because of this. I've tried everything and the only thing that's possible is my character being corrupted. My player ID is 153408. My player name is Peyton. I would really appreciate any help anybody could give me as I'm not very technical and I've been excited to be able to play this for a while. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
averageterror 3 Posted July 3, 2012 Name: IenUID: 136130axYou are an Arma X Anniversary Edition user MetroracerPlayer ID: 1320646RFT...are Arma 2 Reinforcements user' date=' therefore for both of you this...As ARMA X Anniversary Edition user I must clarify one thing for all of you.If you have ARMA X, you can only play and max beta version of ARMA 93965. If you want to use beta patch 94103 and higher, you have to wait for DayZmod 1.7.2.The problem is related to player id. ARMA Reinforcements and X editions have player id since ARMA beta 94103 in string form as opposed to integer. (They added AX or RF at the end of player id to get rid of character mash ups since AX or RF used same numbers as CO/OA therefore f****d persistence for many of us and mixed our characters with some other's people characters.)Therefore it is impossible for us to play with new beta patch current DayZ ( - this version does not support any other character than number as playerid - which results in not recognizing ARMA X player's character in database.Two options: wait for update (1.7.2) or play servers with beta 93965.EDIT/Update:With current situation and playability of this few servers left with old, it seems like not playing DayZ is what I do ATM...Anxiously waiting... and only update I really need is this small playerid definition update... everything else is nice bonus.NoteAfter DAYZ 1.7.2 all ARMA X users have to play only 94103 and newer patches.. hopefully it will be enforced by the DayZmod....applies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
runner (DayZ) 5 Posted July 3, 2012 Name: IenUID: 136130axYou are an Arma X Anniversary Edition user MetroracerPlayer ID: 1320646RFT...are Arma 2 Reinforcements user' date=' therefore for both of you this...As ARMA X Anniversary Edition user I must clarify one thing for all of you.If you have ARMA X, you can only play and max beta version of ARMA 93965. If you want to use beta patch 94103 and higher, you have to wait for DayZmod 1.7.2.The problem is related to player id. ARMA Reinforcements and X editions have player id since ARMA beta 94103 in string form as opposed to integer. (They added AX or RF at the end of player id to get rid of character mash ups since AX or RF used same numbers as CO/OA therefore f****d persistence for many of us and mixed our characters with some other's people characters.)Therefore it is impossible for us to play with new beta patch current DayZ ( - this version does not support any other character than number as playerid - which results in not recognizing ARMA X player's character in database.Two options: wait for update (1.7.2) or play servers with beta 93965.EDIT/Update:With current situation and playability of this few servers left with old, it seems like not playing DayZ is what I do ATM...Anxiously waiting... and only update I really need is this small playerid definition update... everything else is nice bonus.NoteAfter DAYZ 1.7.2 all ARMA X users have to play only 94103 and newer patches.. hopefully it will be enforced by the DayZmod....applies.thanks for the info Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exitus (DayZ) 1 Posted July 3, 2012 Only "Loading" or "Connection Lost" or nothing XDPlayer ID : 10314246I spawn outside on the map, can you place on the Map, my last position was near Myshkino,i can´t find back alone to the map, and i will not lost my equiepment.Please rescue me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mfg Exitus(forgive my bad english) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iklear 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Only "Loading" or "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application"Player ID : 496386 "iki" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
carpaazi 0 Posted July 3, 2012 I had this message on every server i tried to connect (about 25 different servers), and the next time i tried to connect to a server, i had a singleplayer style message "you have died" or domething, and camera was on some desert.I lost everything i have gathered so hard, found stuff i have never found before, even NVG's....Can u restore my character? I dont care where it spawns if this is possible.Player name: CarpaaziPlayer ID: 1779718 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FatherPWNZ 2 Posted July 3, 2012 RE: This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.This message was last problem what i see,first i see something like>Loading... or Back to character window/I am stay near Myshkino,if you can restore please,was long live;DPlayer name:FatherPlayer ID: 27676934 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rumata 0 Posted July 3, 2012 lose more and more, where is patch? Monday is gone, today is nothing, i became think what we can wait it for a life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PK Richie 507 Posted July 3, 2012 lose more and more' date=' where is patch? Monday is gone, today is nothing, i became think what we can wait it for a life.[/quote']Actually it was meant for the Monday before yesterday so it's 8 dayz late :pIf you have ArmA X just follow TR!PLEs guide on the 1st post of this thread :) It worksIf you don't have ArmA X read the 1st post of this thread.Nothing you can do anyways as the Hive is down for maintenance and won't be back up for another 2 hours, maybe sooner if all goes well but maybe longer if things don't go as planned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
carpaazi 0 Posted July 3, 2012 How you know that hive is down?I want to know that also,so i never try to connect to a server again when hive is offline!!!I am so pissed off for dying with epic gear again for nothing, that i cant find the words what im feeling at this moment. This was the third time i loose my epic gear because of shit like this...I hope dayz staff can figure out how to restore the lost character if something like this happens, every other game can do it....Oh great...somehow got into RU14 server, fps must have been 0, and i had a new damn character with nothing....i cant take this anymore... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathHaze420 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Edit:TR!PLE has found a fix for people with the ARMA2 X-edition' date=' showing it is indeed possible to just drop down in (beta) patches:Do not use SixUpdater!Clean Arma2 X installationupdate to ArmA2 CO 1.60 official (707MB)update to Arma2 93965 betaInstall DayZ alpha (14 files go here -> .../Arma2/@DayZ/Addons)Start Arma2oa with the beta shortcutCheck "beta" and "@DayZ" ingamePlay on servers saying DayZ and beta 93965I haven't used sixupdater since I used to play with my clan last year. DayZ does not require six to work. You just have to know how to manually mod the game. All six is, is a mod installer/launcher/crappy server finder. Learn how to do it all yourself and save yourself the horrible horrible six start ups and long ass downloads lmao. (btw when manually downloading DayZ updates, it's quicker to grab the new torrent (200mb) than it is to grab the 26 mb file that was updated. Go into the torrent and rip what you need lol) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monk (DayZ) 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Name: Monk[KST]Player ID: 3557828 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites