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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

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ArmA X owners!!!


0. !dont use sixupdater atm.!

1. Clean Arma2 X installation

2. update to ArmA2 CO 1.60 official (707MB)

3. update to Arma2 93965 beta

4. Install DayZ alpha (14 files go here -> .../Arma2/@DayZ/Addons)

5. start Arma2oa with the beta shortcut

6. check "beta" and "@DayZ" ingame

7. play on servers saying DayZ and beta 93965

This all worked for me.

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Y'all make it way to difficult.

Here's the problem; dumbass patch maker.

Solution. Goto to the arma2 beta directory where arma20a.exe lives.

Check the version. If it is NOT 94209' date=' then DELETE it and re-run your patch. It will install the correct version.

You're good to go.

For some reason, the software patch maker couldn't figure out the 'file delete' call.


You still cant play with ARMA X AND the latest beta patch. Right ?

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Once Again :(

1. 94209 isnt working for ArmA X owners.

2. They can´t fix this atm for players with an ID like IDxx or 29809AC or whatever.

3. I made a workaround, so that they can play with the beta 93965!

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Once Again :(

1. 94209 isnt working for ArmA X owners.

2. They can´t fix this atm for players with an ID like IDxx or 29809AC or whatever.

3. I made a workaround' date=' so that they can play with the beta 93965!


1. yes.

2. Vipeax said they could fix it a week ago with a TINY hive fix.

3. What workaround? I just installed the 965 patch over the newer one and everything works. No need to do smth else.

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omg, you want to fight? fight, im trying to help, and you? pls leave me be ... and my checklist is to start from the very beginning of an installation too the end of DayZ installed. Not everyone is that cute and needs help. So for them its a "workaround" of getting their version working. We had some here, that forgott to install the 1.60 patch, so i started from the beginning to the end "TO HELP"!!!

2. i tried it 2 days ago and it was NOT working for me! so I had to rollback!

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Acount No.: 378498AX

This Server is running ...


Arma X

Six Updater V

which patch? the arma update 1.60 ?

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This problem popped up on my server, (US 47) and I tried bumping the server instance a few times to no avail. What ended up fixing the problem for me was to reinstall the Microsoft Viasual C++ Redistributable again from the server setup instructions.

10) Download and install http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=29 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package's

As soon as I had reapplied this to the server and brought up my DayZ instance again, the problem was gone.

Hope this helps some of you!

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Yes, but the problem seems to exist server side. Do you get this error with every server you try to connect to or is it one or a select few?

The problem was brought to my attention by some regulars on my server and I had the same problem connecting as well. The fix in my case was what I described in my previous post.

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I become this Error with every Server and i dont find a solution :-(

My Friends have this Problem not they have Comined Operation

What can i do ?

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I believe my player character is corrupt as I get this message every time I try to log in, also i was in a server and for some reason no zombies were reacting to me? and then I re spawned thinking it may just be a glitch and......I turned into a bird? it was very odd, I managed to capture a video of it but I have no idea what happened.

my ARMA 2 ID is 11194119

but My combined operations one is 295041

wasn't sure which one you needed

thanks if you can help, if it is something I can do please tell me, I didnt have anything valuable so if it is easier to just totally start again I dont mind

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ArmA X owners!!!


0. !dont use sixupdater atm.!

1. Clean Arma2 X installation

2. update to ArmA2 CO 1.60 official (707MB)

3. update to Arma2 93965 beta

4. Install DayZ alpha (14 files go here -> .../Arma2/@DayZ/Addons)

5. start Arma2oa with the beta shortcut

6. check "beta" and "@DayZ" ingame

7. play on servers saying DayZ and beta 93965

This all worked for me.

hey thanks ... i tried araound since 3 Days .. instaling deinstallir C++ Patches and more ... nbo i tried clean installation with 93965 and DayZ ...


thanks alot now i can play ... (without my firends -.-')

i know why i never buied arma 2 -.- its the buggyest shit ive ever seen -.-

Bugfiled is an angle against arma :Q kill Bohemia .. how thay can publish such shit ...

BUT HIGH LIFE FOR DayZ .. :D greate MOD .. i buy ArmaX for it :P

PS: somebody knwo when ArmaX users can play the newer versiosn or is Bohemia too Stupid to support ther latest produts ?

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I dont even know' date=' just got it today.

i cant play ANY server, im a noob so i dont know what to do.


Have you read the first page of this thread ? There are options but try reading back over :) 12 pages isn't a lot compared to the other threads about this.

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A fair amount of users has received the following message in the past few hours/days (duration depends on the cause):

This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff.

bought arma x yesterday..just couldnt go through character creation

nick: yeshu

id : 11444615

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Hello i have the mentioned problem

my ID is 7490

my Name is Bob

Id be very pleased with beein able to play dayz again.


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Same error as everybody else around here. Server running wrong server side application...

Name: FSKay

ID: 209154

Beta Build: 94364

DayZ version:

Arma X Retail

Thanks in advance!

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Hi guys,

purchased Arma X monday, still not working, maybe you can help me.



Name: wudini

ID: 403522AX

Arma X Retail

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Hi :)

I posted earlier about a corrupted character(Player Name : Ahriman Player ID: 6225350)

Currently i have no way of checking if it's working now.

Can you please please inform me if it's fixed? :)

Thanks for all your hard work!

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0. !dont use sixupdater atm.!

1. Clean Arma2 X installation

2. update to ArmA2 CO 1.60 official (707MB)

3. update to Arma2 93965 beta

4. Install DayZ alpha (14 files go here -> .../Arma2/@DayZ/Addons)

5. start Arma2oa with the beta shortcut

6. check "beta" and "@DayZ" ingame

7. play on servers saying DayZ and beta 93965

i tryed this yesterday and it work´s very good,pls tryed.I have Arma X Retail

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