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Time Glitch

Player Request: US91 Needs Dev or Experienced Admin Attention

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I have a large group of players that has chosen US91 as our home server, and we play on there almost every day. We have a camp set up that we worked very hard for, and we don't want to hop servers again.

Why would we want to? Because as more time goes on, the server just seems to be a little broken here and there. I'm hoping that by posting this, it can get some Dev attention, or at least an experienced server admin to help the current admins out. I have talked to LVG extensively about the server and he basically says "We need to wait on a Dev, we don't know what the problem is."

So here's what my group and I have noticed about US91:

- Direct Communication does not work. Neither VON or Chat. The current server admin is aware of this issue.

- Time of Day is very wonky. I don't know what the time zone for the server is, but we can log in very late at night and it still be light out. We can also log out when it's getting dark, and when we log back in, it's magically light out for another half hour or so.

- Zed spawning/Loot spawning was VERY off last night. I had done the re-log trick a few times to get some more visibility, and something was very off about Zed and Loot spawns. I hit up the NE Airfield, and there was NOTHING of value whatsoever, but then the Krasnostav general store had 2 pairs of Binocs and THREE Maps? Something's wrong here.

- Vehicles don't seem to be spawning. We ran around half the continent last night, checking everywhere from Gorka to Elektro to Tulga to Berezino...NOTHING. We had TWO teams at one time checking separate locations, and not a vehicle to be found. We haven't checked the western part of the world yet, but I'm not expecting anything. I think something has to be wrong with the vehicle spawns. I've spent considerable time on the server, and I also have never seen another player vehicle.

That's just about it, but those are some pretty big bugs. I really hope that our server can get some help, because we don't want to have to server hop yet again in hopes of finding a stable server =/

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The chat thing, i'd love help with because no one seems to know.

When logging in and out of servers if it's night, it does actually make it day again, on all servers I've played anyway, i've never played on our servers while it's dark mostly due to the fact they're US time where as i'm UK time and restarting the server seems to reset the current time.

Loot is something rocket mentioned in the change log about it being a bit buggy

I hate to say it but hackers on my home server which is 90, have been finding cars and driving them off the map somewhere, not sure if it's on 91 as well.

hoping 1.7.2 will fix some of these problems.

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The chat thing' date=' i'd love help with because no one seems to know.

When logging in and out of servers if it's night, it does actually make it day again, on all servers I've played anyway, i've never played on our servers while it's dark mostly due to the fact they're US time where as i'm UK time and restarting the server seems to reset the current time.

Loot is something rocket mentioned in the change log about it being a bit buggy

I hate to say it but hackers on my home server which is 90, have been finding cars and driving them off the map somewhere, not sure if it's on 91 as well.

hoping 1.7.2 will fix some of these problems.


I hope you didn't take this as me thinking you guys don't know what you're doing. It just sounds like you guys need a little help from a Dev or someone who has a ton of experience with this kind of thing.

I love the server, and I really hope things can get back to normal pretty soon =P. And that hacking thing sounds pretty bad...Maybe it is what's happening.

...And our tents went bye-bye again. *le sigh*

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