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Remove "players" from server list + reduce number of servers (?)

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We should remove the "player" column next to server's name in the server list. 


The reasons why:


-People cheat. Yes, it's cheating the game. When people are freshspawns they only join 0/40 or 1/40 servers so they can loot anything they want with 0 risk. 


-Once they got the best eq in the game they can switch to a 39/40 server and they have a huge advantage over people who are trying to find something on that server. 


-This game should be much harder. Being able to see how many players are there on the server makes it easy. If there are 40 people on the server, you will obviously watch every bush and play very carefully, expecting someone to be around every corner. But when you play on a 1/40 server, you can sprint everywhere without even payin attention to the game, you aren't afraid of anything because you know no one will kill you. This is wrong. We are supposed to ALWAYS feel the threat, and ALWAYS play carefully and act like there could be someone behind every corner, you should NEVER know how many players are there.


MCW (Most common whines)


Some people will say "But what if I only want to play on a low pop server because it's too hard on a high pop server and now I'm not able too see which ones are low pop"? 

-Well then stop being a pussy, this is a hardcore zombie survival, you either get hardcore or go play mario. 


Some people will say "But what if I keep playing on a low pop server and don't meet anybody and it will be boring"? 

-At this point it would be boring, but as the alpha keeps getting better and better, we hope there would be much more things to do when you don't meet other players. Also we should reduce the number of servers so that people wouldn't be so spread (right now there are plenty of empty servers with 0/1 on the server and they never have people playing on them except for one or two server hoppers who as I mentioned before are cheating.  Remove them)

Edited by Gdaddy22

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