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More Morphine/Wood Sticks

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Hey all,


I bought the DayZ alpha a couple weeks back, and have to say I love it.  It obviously has a long way to go before release, but the game has huge potential.  That beign said, I think there's one easy fix that could help players enjoy the game more during the alpha.  We need more morphine/wood sticks.


I think the drop rates of morphine/wood sticks are perfect...once the combat system is fleshed out.  Right now, though, the combat system is too unreliable to not need these items on you at all times.  I can't tell you how many times a zombie has teleported on top of me then one-hit broken my arm, walked through a wall and broken my leg, was unable to be hit due to the combat hitboxes, etc.  Right now I feel like I'm just being trolled by the game at some times, and that's not a fun feeling.


Once zombies have better AI/combat mechanics, I think the drop rates could be tuned down again.  But for now, I think it would greatly help to see more of each.

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Also legs break waaay too easy. Fell off 3 steps and it broke.
Crawling in the forest waiting to be killed is just pretty damn boring.
Hopefully suicide option will come soon.

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