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'Vault' under

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So there's a vault feature that allows you to step over objects like fences and low walls. How about a 'vault under' feature that allows you to duck under objects that are slightly too low for you to crouch under? Take the half-open garage doors you sometimes find in towns. Seems a bit silly that you have to go prone to get through them when in reality you'd just have to duck your head a little.


Hardly something that's a pressing issue, but there's a couple of occasions where going prone to access an area has just felt a little janky, especially considering the laborious animations.


While we're on the subject, it couldn't hurt to add a vault animation for the crouched stance so you can get over walls without having to stand up.

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I don't think we need a "vault under" thing but you should be able to hide under some cars/beds or in closests might be a good idea?

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Well there sort of is. You change your key bindings for Z so that you dive into prone instead of stop and drop. then you crawl said object

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Id like to see a slide....kinda like a football (soccer to you guys that call rugby football :P) tackle. We could use it to slide under the low fences or dart across a street under fire and slide the last couple of feet into cover......just like cover shooters but without the "snap to cover" bit at the end.


Bit more on topic maybe just an increased degree of crouch that is achieved by holding a button......akin to holding shift to walk or alt to free look. Maybe toggle crouch with default key....but a hold of the defaut key from crouch stance makes us "duck" a bit more. Just a tap would have normal function and make you stand....maybe :)

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