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DayZ Graphics Broken?

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Recently I installed Arma 2 so I could get the mod DayZ. When I had a look at Arma 2 the graphics were all broken/spazzy. You couldn't see where you were going and it was a nightmare. It looked a bit like when a game has a broken disc and I thought this was just an unlucky one-off glitch so I installed DayZ (Mod). When I played that the exact same thing was happening, I couldn't play because I couldn't see anything and I thought I wasted my money. I'm not sure if its my computer or if it is a game gitch so could you please help me. My computer specs are below:


Processor: Intel ® Core i5 CPU                           M 520 @ 2.40 ghz (4 CPUs) , ~2.4ghz

Memory: 4096mb RAM

Graphics Card: Intel ® Graphics Media Accelerator HD


My computer is a Lenovo Thinkpad T410


Btw I'm a bit of a noob at computers! :)

Edited by xXB1ll1BXx

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well there you go.. your graphics card is, well, very bad. your issue is your graphics card. if you want to fix your graphics issue, you will need to replace it since its actually not even a graphics card, its integrated, so you arent really going to be able to tweak it.


edit ** your running a laptop, i dont think you'll be able to fix your problem, since most graphics in laptops are built into the actual computer themselves. you will probably need to get a different computer with ALOT better graphic card to play it ;(

Edited by Pandafish

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Don't let CPU and GPU generation names confuse you...almost everybody here think they can run the game on a business laptop or a 400$ PC. This is no MMO and the engine ( even the engine from 10 years ago ) wasn't and will never be fully optimized. If it were you could run the game with at least 5km view distance with 10000 zeds.

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yeah the intel GMA is worse than their standard HD graphics chips


speaking of which, im getting a pc next month, but im on a tight budget, so rather than get a pentium and a gtx graphics card, i have opted for the i5 4440 processor with HD graphics chip, totalling the same price, and then i can get a good graphics card in a month or 2. now i know the integrated graphics will be bad, but how bad can expect? average fps on low-medium settings?

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