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Crafting - Grappling Hook

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Hi guyZ, so I think the main reason why grappling hooks should me implemented is because, in the mod, when people with helikopters want to log off, they just land on a roof (eg. the market roof). And there is no way to get that helikopter unless you have a helikopter of your own. People also land on top of roofs and build a base there.


A possible crafting recipe can be; rope + 3 or 4 crowbars + hack saw + blow torch


I think it can work great with the new throw mechanics they put on experimental. We'd just throw them on the roof and they can then behave like a ladder. We can get up, do whatever and climb back down. After we're done, we can take it back in our inventory.


It's optional that it can only attach to roofs with edges or all roofs.


Now the range shouldn't be too long for balance. Maybe it can be thrown maximum to 2 story high roofs.


One big problem(or challange) with that can be; if you climb on a roof and somebody steals your hook while you're on top.


On a side note; when people camp on the roofs, there is no way you can get them if there is only 1 ladder to the roof. A grappling hook can make those situations interesting as well.


So yea, tell me watch you think.  :)


Edited by Testy69

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