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Secondary weapon: PDW or M9SD ?

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personally the ONLY thing i have an M9 for is headshots on zombies who are following me, as to avoid attracting more zombies.

PVP its inaccurate and only useful for point blank from behind.

the PDW is just.... meh

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If you plan to be sneaky I'd go with the M9SD. It's great for popping indoor zombies in the head or taking out aggro'd zombies without alerting the rest of the horde. It's not so good against other players I suspect but that's what your primary weapon is for.

As a side note, the G17 is extremely quiet, it's much more accurate then the M9 and comes with a bonus flashlight. Ammo is also much more plentiful. It is, however, no more powerful then the M9 so you'll need to head shot things.

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If you plan to be sneaky I'd go with the M9SD. It's great for popping indoor zombies in the head or taking out aggro'd zombies without alerting the rest of the horde. It's not so good against other players I suspect but that's what your primary weapon is for.

As a side note' date=' the G17 is extremely quiet, it's much more accurate then the M9 and comes with a bonus flashlight. Ammo is also much more plentiful. It is, however, no more powerful then the M9 so you'll need to head shot things.


Honestly I'd choose the M1911 or even the Revolver instead of the M9 or the G17.

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This is all based upon my own experience with the weapons, don't take any of this as absolute fact.

M9SD: Best PVE, Bad PVP. 3-9 shots per kill. (If detection by zombies is a primary concern, use this gun.)

PDW: Good PVE, Terrible PVP. 5-12 shots per kill. (It's only redeeming factor is full auto really.)

G17: Great PVE, Bad PVP. 3-9 shots per kill. (Flashlight and easy to use sights as well.)

M1911: Great PVE, Great PVP. 1-3 shots per kill. (High fire rate and stopping power make this the go to gun for taking someone out quick at point blank range.)

Revolver: Decent PVE, Great PVP. 1-3 shots per kill. (A fantastic gun for PVP, especially if you need to take out someone at a distance. Though the clip size and the loudness of it make it pretty inconvenient for killing zombies in towns.)

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PDW is good for close combat , M9 might be silenced but totally useless when you face an player , You need 2-5 good hits for a zed ...

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Hey its OP, thanks for all the answers. I think i'm gonna go with M9SD and M1911, and swap depending on the situation i'm probably going to face .

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M9SD is a good choice if you sneak upon someone at the firestation and don't want to alert others. But useless if you prefer to ambush people from the roofs.

1911 - best weapon for close quarter PvP IMHO. Fast and deadly. Not as accurate as revolver (still very decent accuracy though) but much faster and one extra bullet in clip. Does it matter if you spent more ammo in fight? You are alive and your enemy is not. This is what matters in the end of the day.

I go for a shottie (870 or something like that) if i have the chance but wasting primary for close quarter weapon not so wise. So 1911 all the way! Saved my arse countless times, killed many with it.

Overall - good choice OP. Cheers.

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M9SD is the one to go with out of those two because of the silencer, it will help you when raiding places with loads of zombies.

Personally I would choose M1911 over those two beacuse it is more accurate and has much more stopping power, it can take down a player very quickly. The same goes for zombies, if you shoot a zombie in the chest it is dead in one shot. The bad thing is that it makes quite a lot of noise but that doesn't matter, just kill every zombie and go find more ammo since it is very easy to come by.

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PDW iron sight is fucking awful. Anyway if you have a DMR you should be covering them from a distance.

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