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Stuck on loading after 1.5.7 patch

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Yep, I spent 2hours on retrieving character to be put in the forest as a bird.

Then tried to reconnect multiple times and it ends up on "server responded creating character" or "Loading" each time I leave it for about 30-45mins on loading and if it makes it to creating character I leave it for hours.

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Same probleme ...;_;

PS: pls delete my avatar if you want, but i want to play !!!

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this is retarded all i want is to be able to play again i died then got a no message recived now i cant get into any server pleeeeeease help!!

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Ah man being addicted to this game while I cant play it is not a good feeling.

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Same here. Stuck on loading... Actually, the loading bar fills up. I hear environment sounds. Receiving goes through and "Loading" appears, chat isn't visible and I can't close the game without going to task manager.

I'm guessing there's a problem with my character. Earlier today I had a lot of problems logging in and was spawned as bird, unarmed guy in the middle of nowhere, unarmed guy in forest. Did my character data get screwed up on the database server or something?

I have tried the fixes that have been posted here. Reinstalling DayZ, reinstalling BattleEye.

It's now not as crowded as it was earlier in the evening and server load shouldn't be the problem.

Edit: Tried deleting MPcache, no luck.

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So many people are trying to join the servers are dying. You can try again later or choose a different server.

I'm afraid there's nothing else you can do at this point.

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I'm getting this too stuck on loading and have to task manager to close it tried reinstalling arma and dayZ but it still gets stuck.

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I have try to re install DayZ, scan ARMA data with steam, administrator right on all .exe but nothings working, I m very disappointed, my project of walkthrough is block by this problem i hope everyone can find a solution !

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I get this as well and I was on a Norway server last night. Played over an hour after the patch, so I think everything is good on my end. Need a character DB entry reset, perhaps.

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Good to know I'm not the only one encountering this problem.

Has anyone figured out what is actually causing the problem?

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Do the Dev's look on the forums cause this needs fixing! i need to gaymen!

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I'll try sending a message to mod to look at this thread so the dev's can see it

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I am able to get past "creating character" to "waiting for server," but then it stops for me as well.

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Same ,here , logged off during a crash on a server , and now i am stuck in a blackscreen with the word "Loading" in the middle ...

Also , doesnt matter that i do another profile , loading screen wont go off and let me spawn

Caracther affected

Alowne and Ohrage

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SERIOSLY this is a big issue!!does the creator not read these posts theres lots of us that just want to get back in the action you should at least post that ur trying to fix it or somthing give us some hope

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