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Make the Noob Gear Unlootable

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Would it be possible to make the players starting gear, their beans; water; painkillers etc., non lootable?

This would help to prevent people preying on new survivors just for their beans, and also prevent people from getting twice the starter gear should they happen to spawn where someone else has respawned to get a different location.

Disregard this, it seems I forgot just how rampant the guys with Makarovs can be. They are some of the most dangerous players and, if anything, they need to be "nerfed" to some degree.

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Tbh this is something I'd be ok with, for the most part.

No idea how feasible it is though.

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Most people have probably noticed that the mod isn't very complex. I truly wonder how much programming knowledge the devs have when it comes to implementing/modifying features. The devs have literally stated that something as simple as changing models for bandits is a technical problem they are having.

The ARMA2 engine is capable of amazing things. I think the limitation here is the devs themselves.

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Most people have probably noticed that the mod isn't very complex. I truly wonder how much programming knowledge the devs have when it comes to implementing/modifying features. The devs have literally stated that something as simple as changing models for bandits is a technical problem they are having.

The ARMA2 engine is capable of amazing things. I think the limitation here is the devs themselves.

Are you high? I mean really. Forget about coding the fastest growing game in the genre... Let's just talk about the Arma engine for a bit. How many other mods can you name off the top of your head that also support 1000+ AI (maybe 3000 now that 1.5.7 is here), persistence across concurrent servers, working food and water consumption, a very elaborate blood loss/medic/FX system, fortification, hunting and cooking, etc?

Think it's "simple" to change models for this game? Prove it!

BUT ON THE TOPIC... now that we have a surplus of really smart zombies I'm finding it critical to scavenge extra ammo and meds off of those that have fallen before me. I don't have to shoot other players! Just hope that there is a dead survivor somewhere close by when my ammo starts running out.

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The ARMA2 engine is capable of amazing things. I think the limitation here is the devs themselves.

The same devs that made the game itself? Good job on that post... Err, not.

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The problem here is that you think there needs to be "balance", as though new spawners need some kind of CoD like perk that makes them harder to kill (beyond the fact that they aren't a challenge to kill and have nothing worthwhile on them). They don't. Why should they be protected? Where are they that they are getting raped so quickly, and what can they do better to survive longer?

Interfering with the naturalism of the game in pursuit of an ideal imagined up by the commercial games market to shepherd the inexperienced and bad players. Play to learn, learn and then play, and then survive. Completely intrusive and arbitrary "balancing" is not the way to prevent noob deaths. The best you can do is give those PKers something better to do than camp the shoreline.

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Most people have probably noticed that the mod isn't very complex. I truly wonder how much programming knowledge the devs have when it comes to implementing/modifying features. The devs have literally stated that something as simple as changing models for bandits is a technical problem they are having.

The ARMA2 engine is capable of amazing things. I think the limitation here is the devs themselves.

That entire post hurt my brain with your lack of understanding coding. I can't even comprehend writing something so thoughtless. Get experience in the subject you're criticizing before you decide to act like you know what you're talking about.

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everything in this thread is horrible

Any reasoning behind that?

If you're going to post a reply to a suggestion, please at least include some constructive criticism. It's nice to know you don't approve of the idea, but it would be even better to know why you don't. Not just for my sake, but for the developers sake too.

The developers read these suggestion forums to get a feel of what the community wants and what the community needs. As I said above, telling them you don't approve of an idea is helpful, but letting them know your reasoning actually gives them something they can do something with, rather than just a tally they can keep track of.

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