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MGS 3 like Solution to Third Person Exploiting - Thoughts?

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I'm quite conflicted about regular vs hardcore. I play hardcore because I hate how combat pans out on regular but I have to admit that I really like walking around chernarus in third person; However weird it sounds it just feels more 'survivory' when I can see my char walking around in his gear. So it would be great to have the best of third person without the rampant exploiting.


So here's an idea to reduce exploiting and make it more of a headache. It has the strength that it would be really easy to implement.


The idea is simple and inspired by the similar system in Metal Gear Solid 3:


If you are standing up and do not have a ranged weapon in your hands then you can be in third person. If you do not satisfy both of these conditions then you are locked into 1st person. That's it, very easy to code!


So if you are lying down or crouching then you will be in 1st person. This would stop people who cant see much in 1st person from being able to see clearly in 3rd person . For instance it would prevent people from seeing clearly when lying in grass and more importantly it would stop people who are lying down on the hospital roof from having a clear view around them.


Being locked to first person whenever you have a gun in your hands would make exploiting during a firefight very risky and a complete pain because whenever you are doing it your completely defenceless. For instance I see many videos of players laying siege to others in the barracks and the whole thing becomes a farce as its just a case of whoever 3rd person exploits better wins, now if people couldn't defend themselves in third person its much likelier that they would stay in 1st person for the duration of the fight and it would be a much better experience for both sides. 



Edited by YorkMorgan

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I like the idea but it's simple to see that there will be two version of DayZ servers. Ones locked to 3pp and others locked to 1pp. I can't speak for mods.


With that said, there are two other solutions to the wall glitching issue. Collisions must be fixed. Either collisions as they are now with the player OR once the navmesh is completed to fix zombies or both.


Then the player's head must not be allowed to pass through solid object as well as the third eye camera.


I have faith that will happen before retail.


And for 3pp naysayers, wall glitching is rampant in hardcore also. Just not as bad because of the methods being used. 

Edited by Sinphaltimus

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Hello there


For the sake of my sanity, please use one of the existing view mega threads.


Whilst your idea is interesting it doesnt need its own thread.


Ill link in a min.





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