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Some people think taking an hour to sneak through a town to find a can of baked beans is fun and realistic.

I'm not one of them.

The same people who think you're a noob for not exploiting the engine to kite and kill zombies are also the ones complaining that they don't feel like its a true 'survival' game without immense amounts of zombies respawning frequently.

I'm not one of them.

There's a balance between what a lot of people consider fun and what others find tedious. I'm already playing a game where it takes 20 minutes to run around from some of the farther towns. I'm already managing food, water, and ammo. I already feel danger by zombies and by people which is why I hardly go to towns.

For the spergs out there to say that more psyhic, untiring zombies are needed? Well, you can have that game. I'm sure things are going to be tweaked for the better, but I don't find it particularly fun to sneak around in a game most of the time. In fact, its a waste of my time and I'll find something else to play.

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Some people think taking an hour to sneak through a town to find a can of baked beans is fun and realistic.

I'm not one of them.

The same people who think you're a noob for not exploiting the engine to kite and kill zombies are also the ones complaining that they don't feel like its a true 'survival' game without immense amounts of zombies respawning frequently.

I'm not one of them.

There's a balance between what a lot of people consider fun and what others find tedious. I'm already playing a game where it takes 20 minutes to run around from some of the farther towns. I'm already managing food' date=' water, and ammo. I already feel danger by zombies and by people which is why I hardly go to towns.

For the spergs out there to say that more psyhic, untiring zombies are needed? Well, you can have that game. I'm sure things are going to be tweaked for the better, but I don't find it particularly fun to sneak around in a game most of the time. In fact, its a waste of my time and I'll find something else to play.


If there was a zombie apocolypse, I would definitely be running and shooting through downtown NYC cause hiding and trying to not attract zombies attention would be so damn boring.

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It is boring. That's why movies never show people just spending 5 hours looking around Brooklyn for a piece of hopefully not rotted cheese.

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It is boring. That's why movies never show people just spending 5 hours looking around Brooklyn for a piece of hopefully not rotted cheese.

Movies last 1.5 hours. You are supposed to live for long periods of time in the game. This requires doing the things people in the movies do in those periods of time between scenes.

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Spawned in Mogilevka in pitch black on KC3 last night after the update. Threw out some flares, saw some zombies. Dropped 2 with the rifle at range, got ran up on by 3 out of the dark, dropped all 3 with my revolver. Looted all 5 bodies for food and soda.

Mogi seemed fine in the dark. Maybe people should start moving inland............ which I think is kinda the point. Elektro is shit for loot anyway unless you want to build a car and Cherno is just too damn big.

And I normally play with a group of 6 or more. Play an ArmA mod like it's an ArmA mod... you know with your brain.

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It is boring. That's why movies never show people just spending 5 hours looking around Brooklyn for a piece of hopefully not rotted cheese.

Movies last 1.5 hours. You are supposed to live for long periods of time in the game. This requires doing the things people in the movies do in those periods of time between scenes.

That's not particularly fun. When I play video games, i play them to do things. Not to avoid doing anything at all.

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It is boring. That's why movies never show people just spending 5 hours looking around Brooklyn for a piece of hopefully not rotted cheese.

Movies last 1.5 hours. You are supposed to live for long periods of time in the game. This requires doing the things people in the movies do in those periods of time between scenes.

That's not particularly fun. When I play video games' date=' i play them to do things. Not to avoid doing anything at all.


Did you ever play arma 2?

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That's not particularly fun. When I play video games' date=' i play them to do things. Not to avoid doing anything at all.


Try to set yourself a goal, even if it's a small one. To many people focus on taking on bigger towns or the airfields. Why not have a look around the map and see if there is a remote building near and explore it?

You could for instance go and hunt the wildlife. The possibilities are endless. :)

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It is boring. That's why movies never show people just spending 5 hours looking around Brooklyn for a piece of hopefully not rotted cheese.

Movies last 1.5 hours. You are supposed to live for long periods of time in the game. This requires doing the things people in the movies do in those periods of time between scenes.

That's not particularly fun. When I play video games' date=' i play them to do things. Not to avoid doing anything at all.


Did you ever play arma 2?


I played OFP, Arma, Arma II.

Played a bunch of mods in all three games, including ACE, FDF, etc.

Made a bunch of multiplayer missions, some I think I even submitted for others than my group to play.

Played with Shaktac.

Suffered through Rob Sanders missions.

I even helped a dude write a guide for people to use his group spawn script.

That resume good enough for you, bro?

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Ok, after playing for a while and having to sneak around. It is a lot more fun.

I still stand by my point that it's damn near impossible to do anything spawned on a beach in the middle of zed's at night, but that's another story.

I do have one issue, though.

We did startle one of them and had no choice but to fire, after killing 30 or 40 of them(the entire village), we thought it would be somewhat to entire a little quicker.

Right before my very binoculars 30 or so respawned in their place before we had any chance to get into town.

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Some people think taking an hour to sneak through a town to find a can of baked beans is fun and realistic.

I'm not one of them.

The same people who think you're a noob for not exploiting the engine to kite and kill zombies are also the ones complaining that they don't feel like its a true 'survival' game without immense amounts of zombies respawning frequently.

I'm not one of them.

There's a balance between what a lot of people consider fun and what others find tedious. I'm already playing a game where it takes 20 minutes to run around from some of the farther towns. I'm already managing food' date=' water, and ammo. I already feel danger by zombies and by people which is why I hardly go to towns.

For the spergs out there to say that more psyhic, untiring zombies are needed? Well, you can have that game. I'm sure things are going to be tweaked for the better, but I don't find it particularly fun to sneak around in a game most of the time. In fact, its a waste of my time and I'll find something else to play.


If there was a zombie apocolypse, I would definitely be running and shooting through downtown NYC cause hiding and trying to not attract zombies attention would be so damn boring.

If there was a zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't respawn at a beach with a pistol, a can of beans, water, and flares.

If there was a zombie apocalypse, zombies wouldn't die with one shot of a revolver to the chest.

This isn't a zombie apocalypse. It's a game. I say game because, for it to be a simulator, we need parameters taken from reality in order to base the simulator off of (it is simulating, and thus immitating) and we CANNOT accurately simulate a zombie apocalypse BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED.

So stop trying to sell iterations of game design Rocket is improving on by stating "if this was a zombie apocalypse" or "it's a simulator" or "it's hardcore noob"

Point is, as it stands, it's just not fun.

P.S I love stealth, I love taking 20 mins sneaking around a town at night with little ammo, I love the fact that you can die anytime and I was one of the ones who wanted more zombies.

However, this is game breaking.

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Some people think taking an hour to sneak through a town to find a can of baked beans is fun and realistic.

I'm not one of them.

The same people who think you're a noob for not exploiting the engine to kite and kill zombies are also the ones complaining that they don't feel like its a true 'survival' game without immense amounts of zombies respawning frequently.

I'm not one of them.

There's a balance between what a lot of people consider fun and what others find tedious. I'm already playing a game where it takes 20 minutes to run around from some of the farther towns. I'm already managing food' date=' water, and ammo. I already feel danger by zombies and by people which is why I hardly go to towns.

For the spergs out there to say that more psyhic, untiring zombies are needed? Well, you can have that game. I'm sure things are going to be tweaked for the better, but I don't find it particularly fun to sneak around in a game most of the time. In fact, its a waste of my time and I'll find something else to play.


If there was a zombie apocolypse, I would definitely be running and shooting through downtown NYC cause hiding and trying to not attract zombies attention would be so damn boring.

If there was a zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't respawn at a beach with a pistol, a can of beans, water, and flares.

If there was a zombie apocalypse, zombies wouldn't die with one shot of a revolver to the chest.

This isn't a zombie apocalypse. It's a game. I say game because, for it to be a simulator, we need parameters taken from reality in order to base the simulator off of (it is simulating, and thus immitating) and we CANNOT accurately simulate a zombie apocalypse BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED.

So stop trying to sell iterations of game design Rocket is improving on by stating "if this was a zombie apocalypse" or "it's a simulator" or "it's hardcore noob"

Point is, as it stands, it's just not fun.

P.S I love stealth, I love taking 20 mins sneaking around a town at night with little ammo, I love the fact that you can die anytime and I was one of the ones who wanted more zombies.

However, this is game breaking.

I totally agree. Bottom line is: Rocket has to play to the strengths of the engine. It really comes down to different directions: 1.) slow style zombies but lots of them, or 2.) fast style (glitchy) zombies, but fewer of them. Of course adding more loot to zombie bodies would help aid the killing of said increased zombies.

But, as I said elsewhere, this may be a point in the mod's development where it has the potential to become two different mods. I've seen many mods branch into two due to die hard constituents of either extreme.

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Its so funny seeing all the casual gamer cry.

"Oh noez' date=' y cant I move through the zombies and kill 100000000000 like in l4d2"


"I bought Arma II only to play this mod and have fun" <-- that one made me piss my pants. Srsly you buy a game for an Alpha(!) Mod that claims to be hardass shit zombie apocalypse simulator(!) and complain about the difficulty? WTF is wrong with you guys, do you think u r able to bitch about difficulty in a real zombie apocalypse? Go play COD or BF3


Your intelligence level is staggering, please, tell me more.

Wow, you must be a prof or something similiar.

As I wrote above: It is a simulation. Simulations are not fair, they are "realistic". Balancing the game would be casualizing it. This mod doesn't want to be a mod for casual gamers with achievements, the possibility to quicksave & reload etc. The players should experience the feeling of a "real" zombie apocalypse and the mod is transfering the feeling in a scary way.

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I came into patch 1.5.7 so I have no prior knowledge of 1.5.6. I currently have 6 hours in gameplay, without being killed once. I spawned way west of Chern and made my way past a couple towns to get to Chern, and am now hiding out in a Tower east of chern.

In my opinion, the game is hella balanced for being in a Alpha mod. Obviously the buggy zeds need to be fixed, but the only thing I see is respawn timers. The number of zombies make it difficult, but not impossible. If you play it safe, pick and choose which houses you raid near towns before moving onto a new area, you'll do fine. The only thing is I would see for people with better gear, would be respawn timers. I did get myself into a snafu while in an apartment complex northwest of chern, I killed 9-10 zeds and went into a building. When I came out I was greeted by another 12.

Other then that, good work.

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All I can say for all the new 1.5.6 players who don't like the patch is this:


Pre-1.5.6 was nearly as hellish as it is now (maybe not such fast respawn times, that's it). That's what made the game great, THAT'S what drew the masses here in the first place. This is not a COD shoot em up.

If after this latest patch I can go into Cherno with a brand new character, alone, no extra ammo, and come out with an ALICE pack, a tent, revolver, Enfield, knife, matchbox, compass, watch, plenty of food and ammo, all while evading a crapton of zombies, then so can YOU!

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I love the Zombie population in 1.5.7. FAR more fun than 1.5.6 for me.

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Did 1.5.7 wipe player location?

Getting reports everone is spawning on the coast.

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I Played DayZ for the first time last night after just finishing the ARMA 2 boot camp, I purchased it for this mod by the way. I spawned at night outside some village. Saw lots of zambies so I, having read the beginner's guide on this forum, crouch walked into town. I found multiple CZ-550's with ammo as well as food, drink, and bandages. At one point while looting I heard a zed drawing near so I laid down as he passed close enough that I could have tied his shoes. Then I crouched again and finished looting. I then luckily met up with a friend as I was traveling the coast. He being less cautious than myself had left Elektro after getting low on Makarov ammo after killing around fifteen zambies, though he still managed to find a watch, knife, and .45 ammo. We decided to go and retrieve the Winchester I had left behind in the village. By the time we got there there were even more zeds as well as the items changing. So we circled the place to find a good entrance route. Unfortunately he crouch ran too close to a zed and then fired repeatedly into the enraged beast as we escaped to a nearby shed to defend. In total we killed seven out of the 30-40 in view, due to only using pistols, not running about like mad, and having an escape plan. After we looted him a Winchester and various other goods. This was all fairly straight forward, and not particularly hard to accomplish. The only thing I can see wrong is the respawn rate of the zambies, and perhaps items. In addition to the bugs from ARMA of course, though those are obviously not Rocket's doing. People simply need to know when to cut their losses, learn when to "hold'em and fold'em" folks.

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This is my first post here, came to the game in patch 1.5.6. First of all, congrats Rocket on your B-day yesterday, this mod is amazing. Second, I agree that numbers need to stay high, however they need to stay high in the right places, and for the right reasons. Having zombies spawning only in buildings in or near loot was silly and this new system with mostly walkers is vastly better in that regard. Cherno and Electro were nothing but PVP arenas in 1.5.6 zombies were not a problem there, only people were, and that's just wrong. They're the two most central and largest cities on the coast, with a constant influx of new characters, essentially a game trail, they should be crawling with zombies as they are now. However, a single barn with less than 3 buildings surrounding it in the middle of nowhere does not need upwards of 15 zombies milling around outside it, and the number of zombies should not steadily climb for every minute you're there.

Zombies, like any other predator, will not stay in an area that has no food. It only makes sense that the ones in the small towns are there because they were eating the locals. And the only way you're going to get new zombies in an isolated town is from hiding places, the less hiding places, the less there should be. Thus the smaller the towns, the less zombies there should be. And I'm all for having a few random wandering zombies in the woods, but it should be the exception, not the rule.

I understand that zombies are not instantiated into the world until a player arrives at an area, then the spawn system kicks in, keeps server load down, makes sense. However, the initial spawn needs to be the lions share of the zombies that will appear and they should not be indefinite. Clearing a town should be a viable option, especially a small isolated town, right now it isn't.

Other than those things, this patch is a resounding success to me. Zombies should be just as much a threat as people are, and shooting every one of them you see should be a very bad idea. Did have some questions too though. Empty bottles/cans don't seem to work for me, I've been testing them and they seem to do nothing for a roamer's path, flares seem to do nothing as well. I was under the impression that sound and light were what the zombie AI was based around, is that a bug with this patch or have things changed?

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For me the new update is really boring. In my opinion there is too many of them. Atleast I dont enjoy sneaking around in 20 meters, neither kill 30 zombies for 2 cans of food and some flairs.

Sure there was too few in the ealier version. But now its overkill. With this amount, atleast make em slower or make a Usain Bolt character to choose. My 2 cents.

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Did 1.5.7 wipe player location?

Getting reports everone is spawning on the coast.

Not for me

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The players should experience the feeling of a "real" zombie apocalypse and the mod is transfering the feeling in a scary way.


Yes, teleporting zig-zag zombies are scary; but I guess many people who have played awhile know glitches to drop the zombie spawns while letting friends clear them out. Things like that should probably be fixed before zombie populations are increased to the point that you cannot enter towns without a group.

I can't speak for everyone, but I certainly am no casual gamer, having played EQ1 on PVP full-loot servers and plenty of UO ganking.

I am one of the hard core ole schoolers, my friend, as I am certain others are. I'm also probably longer in the tooth than you, so to speak.

Don't confuse wanting zombie spawns to be reasonable with 'casual' - as you clearly are doing. The number is not even that bad, perhaps a little high; but the respawn rate in particular is.

Feedback is part of balancing ; if rocket had no feedback he would be working in the dark, unaware of how things are working out. I see children whining in game chat, but if someone took the time to make a forum account and post a reasoned argument, it generally is not whining so much as (hopefully) constructive criticism.

happy bday rocket, keep up the good work

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My ~6 hour character spawned on the beach instead of deep in the woods where i left off, got killed instantly by a spawn camper.

...Don't worry, I'm not complaining. Just had to vent to someone, that's all.

Keep up the good work guys! (and fix that bug!)

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