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is it possible to play more then one character?

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As the title reads, I am wondering if you can have 2 accounts in Arma 2 at the same time. I want to play 2 separate characters, one with my friends and one on my own. Can this be done?

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You need two copies of Arma II CO

Edit: can you clarify, are you talking about Dayz or Arma II ? Because my answer was for Dayz

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You mean dual box? If so, you probably need to run another instance of the game in a VM. < My guess

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The thing is arma 2 copies its cd-key to registry.

In steam when you launch arma 2 it will copy it then run. Switch to a different steam account and it will write the new cd-key in and run. So it is possible to do it like that.

I'd like to know if the cd-key is checked at launch or periodically while you're playing. You could launch one copy with its cd-key, then the other copy overwrites that cd-key when you launch it. Wondering if the first one will be kicked.

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