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Accesible Cupboards / Closets

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What about if cupboards, closets, fridges, etc could be opened?


This could be useful for:

- Hiding in a closet, especially interesting if you hear somebody else enter the house. It could be like, you are standing in front of a clauset where you can hide, and then an usable option like "hide in clauset" could pop up.

- Fridges and cupboards could contain food (even though fridges are not working, it's more usual that people left thier food there)

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Good ideas mate, I assumed when I first played that fridges and cupboards would contain food and drink. Hopefully its something that makes its way into the game one day.

P.S awesome job spelling Closet like you did, sounds like you are spelling it like Eminem says it :p

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Fridges are coming, hiding in closets would be awesome but I would still find you lol

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I assumed when I first played that fridges and cupboards would contain food and drink.

That's exactly why I came up with this idea

PS: that's just my bad english :P



hiding in closets would be awesome but I would still find you lol

That's probably where it get's tricky, how to design the hiding feature. It shouldn't be something people search anyways because they could find some items there, but it should be something where you find somebody hiding if you are searching for someone. Something like a small gap where you can see whether there is somebody in the closet. If the closet is empty the option "hide" should show up and it not the option "open" should show up. Plus I think while hiding the character shouldn't be able to do anything until he leaves or somebody opens the door.

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They've confirmed fridges (and quite a bit of what you suggested in other posts) and possibly cabinets/container 'furniture.  After they get the 'prototype' done it shouldn't be too hard for them to turn different models into containers.

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