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Venturing North to kill some Bandits, whose in?

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Looking for some decently geared fellows to accompany me in my venture North to Stary Sobor and then NE Airfield. Planning on hitting the real bandits(not some weaksauce fresh spawn snipers in Electro/Cherno) in their territory. Of course, the loot should be great as well. Looking for people who can Skype.

Add me on Steam or reply here with your info and we'll be leaving soon.

Steam: josuna123

Bandit slayers unite!

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Ummmmm... How would you tell bandits from non bandits at stary? It is too urban to just wait until you hear shots.

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Um, you'll find most bandits in Cherno/Electro these days.

And I think you mean the NW airfield, no? Anytime I've been at the NE it's just me and the zombies. Maybe a cow.

I go there a lot. Pretty much because .... it's just me and the zombies.

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