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Highlight ruined items with red background in inventory

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I want to suggest a red highlighting if an item in the inventory is ruined.


It kind of annoys me if I think I cant take more items with me and if there is not much time because of the zombies, than it is very time consuming to hover every item to take a look in the tooltip. So why no background or border if an item is broken. It would be a lot of better so throw it for trash with one quick look ;)


What are the other surviver think about it? 

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I wouldn't be against it. But don't you get visual cues from the condition of the item from its icon anyway? Though it is hard to distinguish between badly damaged and ruined at a glance with some items.

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+1 for usability.

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DayZ was designed to make you suffer and feel the importance of failure.  If an indicator is made to distract me from the fact I am obviously and naturally failing to play an anti-game properly based on training and experience I should not be alive.

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DayZ was designed to make you suffer and feel the importance of failure.  If an indicator is made to distract me from the fact I am obviously and naturally failing to play an anti-game properly based on training and experience I should not be alive.



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DayZ was designed to make you suffer and feel the importance of failure.  If an indicator is made to distract me from the fact I am obviously and naturally failing to play an anti-game properly based on training and experience I should not be alive.

That is an argument!

I will confirm this concept.

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DayZ was designed to make you suffer and feel the importance of failure.  If an indicator is made to distract me from the fact I am obviously and naturally failing to play an anti-game properly based on training and experience I should not be alive.

Lol, damn it, can't beat that line of thinking...

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To be honest that is so damn good I am going to make that my sig... stand by

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DayZ was designed to make you suffer and feel the importance of failure.  If an indicator is made to distract me from the fact I am obviously and naturally failing to play an anti-game properly based on training and experience I should not be alive.

DayZ is not an anti-game, I don't care if John Madden, Randy Savage, Chuck Norris, the president, God, or Dean himself tries to tell me that. It's not an anti-game, by any measure, definition, theory, or basic concept.


And besides, wouldn't you be able to tell whether an item was ruined or not by simply looking at it? The indicator idea is fine.

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