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Deadly Inanimate Objects

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Multiple inanimate objects have killed me.

One includes a door frame that I was trying to get through on the NW Airfield while prone but instead of going through the door I instead prone walk in place because crawling doesn't let you through a lot of doors. I know from experience that if you wiggle your character around you can get through this stupid bug. But this time I walk through the wall somehow and it instakills me. Dead.

Two I was driving a car back to camp and I get it there no probs. I park next to an evergreen to keep it relatively hidden I exit the car look at it and try to save it. I am forced to run all around the car just to find the save prompt like every time I try saving anything. I finally get the prompt and click but I instead enter the car. I get out but instead of getting out on the proper side I get out directly in between the car and the tree. I'm pinned. So I try running in all directions to out from in between it and I succeed only to realize that a branch knocks me out, breaks my legs, puts me in shock, and bleeds me all at once. Thanks DayZ there goes my car I drove across the country with. No saving for me.

Three. Deadly doors. Stand to close to the doors path and whack- dead.

Please make it so no ever inanimate object is a dead zone. Instead of compensation for poor clipping, just improve the clipping.


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not sure about the first two but the third getting killed by swinging door is not Dayz its Arma 2. This happened to me when i was playing Arma before Dayz was even released

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Happened to me as well. I also used V to step up into a building that was not placed right on the map. Insta death after 2 hours of travel. -.-

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Here too, finally found what I needed. Went trough the doorway, and shock, broken bone, and bleeding was what I got....

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Unfortunately it seems as though these are all Arma's engine problems. Only thing you can really do is do the best to avoid them.

Whenever opening doors stay a good distance away from the swing to prevent yourself from being squished.

Do not prone into small doorways as there might be a chance the difference between elevation (the front step) can break your legs and/or kill you

Avoid getting out from the car whenever you are close to any objects that are big enough for you to glitch into after getting out.

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Yep, all Arma2 engine problems. Sometimes they suck, sometimes you watch some poor SOB get nailed by a door and die.

Funnier than you might think.

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