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Suggestion Brainstorm

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We seem to be getting the same suggestions over and over. I think it is time for a brainstorm session to come up with some quick ideas. They dont have to be particularly good at this stage - that is the whole point of a brainstorm - get some ideas out there. My 2 cents for possible additions to Day Z.

1. Can openers

2. Car keys

3. First aid kit - holds your medicines, bandages

4. More Random spawns (crashed ambulances, food trucks etc)

5. Able to create more distractions - use rocks, bricks, firecrackers etc etc


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Small mirrors to see around walls in first person

Ability to kick -chance to maybe knock Zeds over

Able to leave messages

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Batteries. I think they should be a loot item to run all the electronics like GPS, Torch etc.

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Batteries. I think they should be a loot item to run all the electronics like GPS' date=' Torch etc.


Good one - it makes sense

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We seem to be getting the same suggestions over and over. I think it is time for a brainstorm session to come up with some quick ideas. They dont have to be particularly good at this stage - that is the whole point of a brainstorm - get some ideas out there. My 2 cents for possible additions to Day Z.

1. Can openers

2. Car keys

3. First aid kit - holds your medicines' date=' bandages

4. More Random spawns (crashed ambulances, food trucks etc)

5. Able to create more distractions - use rocks, bricks, firecrackers etc etc



Car keys might be a good idea, perhaps you find them in a truck once you get it running and keep them on your person so no one can steal your car?

Also first aid kit very good idea, Bandages, morphine and painkillers take up way to much room.

I'd personally would love to see more skins so people can group up and wear the same outfit, which would make it easier when telling your friends from enemies.

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