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where have the repairable helicopters gone?

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i havnt seen one for a long time now whats the deal with that?

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Very long respawn time... I was told it's 7 days. This could be incorrect or changed. Not to mention those who own the server have horded away all the goodies.

They have been taken and repaired XD


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Any Info when they'll be back in game?

Soon' date=' they fixed the fuel leak problem.


It's not only a fuel leak issue - vehicles are lagging up the servers like mad. The netcode needs work before they can reimplement them properly. (You're lucky land vehicles are there at all)

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I hope they won't fix it at all.. honestly it takes out the mood: it's too easy to manage (repair and maintain...), and eventually to hide: if you land at Skalisty you will have only few players go there just to check if there's (eventually) an heli parked.

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Well... I can certainly see why a chopper would fit into the theme.

But finding parts for one sounds awfully easy for what you'd expect for an end of the world scenario. Could limit the number of choppers on a server/map to a set number and make choppers to back into a repairable state when destroyed - make parts harder to find.

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Anyone know if they are just going to put the Hueys back in? Or is it going to include the civilian and littlebird as well?

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