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Big red and white tower

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I'm out in the middle of a lot of fields with some patches of woods here and there, and at the top of this hill is a huge red and white striped, circular shaped tower that can be seen for miles around. I climb the hill and reach the tower, but it's guarded by military zombies all around, can't slip past them, I was wondering if anyone had any clue what that place was and whether it's worth the trouble of losing my m16a2 m203. :P

  'jinx747 said:

I'm out in the middle of a lot of fields with some patches of woods here and there' date=' and at the top of this hill is a huge red and white striped, circular shaped tower that can be seen for miles around. I climb the hill and reach the tower, but it's guarded by military zombies all around, can't slip past them, I was wondering if anyone had any clue what that place was and whether it's worth the trouble of losing my m16a2 m203. :P


That's not the face I wanted to put at all. xD

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Green mountain. Has like 3 military loot spawns, not worth looting.

2 vehicle spawns on the other side.

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Probably one of the most terrifying places in the game. Once you're in there's only one way out, and there's a shatload of angry zombies in the way. You would think that means awesome, crazy loot but since this is DayZ and your expectations can get fucked, it's actually pretty bad loot and mostly you will only find suffering and loneliness.

Welcome go Gruner Berg.

Although rumor has it a radio spawns there. Maybe foreshadowing things to come? Who knows. Mysteries abound. Also zombies abound. Don't forget about them.

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I found an ATV there once... that was worth getting. Not sure if it was spawned or just parked mind.

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Thanks guys, I'm going to avoid it, seeing as how I've been killed by trapping myself in buildings that have one exit before.

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It's a pinata full of candy! Go inside and get free ice cream and party hats!

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I've been killed there on both of my two visits. Once by an AKM, the other by a silenced M4. Oh me. But yeah, it's Green Mountain, and a BAF Off-road spawns there.

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