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'Pvt Parts said:

I'm still fairly new to the game' date=' and have only had 2 friendly interactions with other players, and I'm sure that was because they were weaponless, hell I even ran from the building and left one guy because I knew there was a shotgun in the back corner and assumed he'd shoot me once he got it. But yes, most of my interactions with other players have been made up of me trying to see if they are friendly and then being shot in the face. Yet I would not wish that removed from the game as it would reduce the "fear" experience a great deal.

I mean take yesterday for example. I'd just found a new shotgun, replaced my LE with it. Then I hear the sound of Zeds approaching the barn at great speed, another survivor runs in and heads behind the crates (I would assume looking for a weapon as he had none) So, being the nice chap I am, I kill the two Zeds that were on his tail. I then call out over the mic to see if he's okay or if he needs help, then BAM! He comes from behind the crates and shoots me in the face.

Was I a little annoyed? Sure. Did I think he was a dick? Sure. But the fact he is free to be that dick and do that is part of what makes this mod great. So yes, even if you take away the fact that PvE servers would be exploited to all hell in order to gain the best gear and then go fuck shit up on a PvP one. Just think about what you would be taking away from the game. One of the best things about this mod is the freedom, remove that and you loose a lot in my opinion.


Well said. Last night i bandaged someone, while he was shooting and fighting off zombies in one of the pubs in Cherno. He thanked me and left some food and soda, this was one of the few better experiences i had.

I really hope i have the chance of teaming up with some of you in the future. 🙂

Edited by xenomat

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Omg, I was playing for 5 days and tried to not make any contact with players - because they are shooting on sight. Have looted a lot of good stuff, killed a lot of zeds, walked almost whole map and when I went to meet my friend to play together - I just met some kid with winchester. Boom, boom - "You are dead". Nice one - I just quit the game, and I think today I will not play anymore :s

At this moment I really can't imagine how I could make any friend in game to play together, because everyone is just shooting on sight. If this kid would not killed me, I would even give him FN FAL which was in my backpack. But looks like he wanted all my loot :-/

P.S. These moments make such players as me do the same - just kill everyone who you see... Do we need that?

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To be honest.

I LOVE to shoot people like you on sight.

It is sooo satisfying to kill those pve farmboys and see their bodies fade away. Their 20 hours of griefing for non dangerous loot being null and void. Thats what i love!

Don't get me wrong, i am the kind of person that would NEVER backstab someone, if we agreed to not kill each other, then i won't, end of story.

And if someone managed to sneak up on me (should be hardly impossible) and is low to semi-well geared and salutes or stuff, i won't shoot, sure.

But normally, you griefing farmers just farm around, and i am waiting for you somewhere, so the next screen you see, normally without even seeing me is "You are dead".

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My problem is not really shoot-on-sight. I mean, if I come around a corner and come face-to-face with you and you put a slug in my face as a twitch reaction I completely understand. You should be more careful, but "its-the-end-of-the-world-I-can't-trust-anyone" so I get it.

I myself have put a few pistol rounds into players who surprised me while I was putting down a crowd of Zs. They DCed before I could apologize over direct chat, but these things happen when we surprise each other in the heat of battle.

My problem IS people who actively hunt me down with the full intention of killing me for no reason besides stroking their e-peen. I have been killed several times by players who chased me down, who obviously knew I was there and could easily have avoided me...or told me to leave...but instead came at me with the express purpose of adding another murder to their stats.

And don't give me that "Oh! I was hungry and needed food" argument. These were players with Alice packs and high-powered assault rifles, there is no way they were killing me for my beans.

Disclaimer: I am in no way advocating for any kind of PvE server. The mod should stay exactly as it is. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be worried about shoot-on-sight as much as we should be worried about douches who play this game like it's BF3.

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i dont even ask for less Bandits cause i think they have to exists but they should be easy to edentify as bandits also an counter part should exist like a karma system if u kill innocents u should be branded as murder and if u hunt bandits and help innocents u should be marked as a good person so people would feel safer wehn they coop with u like a instinct for knowledge of human nature actually there 4 times more cases of murder than killed bandits cause u cant edentify them even if u sneak up behind them

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I shoot on sight exclusively now. There's no point in not doing so.

Unless you're in my posse, you're going to die.

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bring back bandit skins. Why remove them ? If you kill more than 5 people you get the bandit skin. So no way you do that by accident.

Just make 3 skins: bandit slayers + bandits + neutral survivals

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Day Z is a survival simulation, right?

"Bandits" stay alive for days on end.

You all stay alive for maybe an hour or two.

Who is playing the game right and who is playing it wrong?

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well i walked up to these to people saying they wouldnt shoot me if i said i was friendly, so i said friendly and walked up with my gun down. i said i just needed some food if they have any. and he was saying if i had a knife or matches i could cook some animal meat. then the other one just shot me like four times and killed me. thats the reason why im a bandit

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You don't HAVE to shoot on sight. If they haven't seen you, just keep your head down and stay hidden and go your seperate ways.

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I hate how when everyone sees you at an airstrip they shoot on sight me and my buds are currently in one and we are in constant fear of getting shot at so the next time you see someone at an airstrip come in with your guns lowered and maybe you want get attacked I know I wouldn't shoot someone with their guns lowered that is just weak.

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'JustAnotherRegis said:

To be honest.

I LOVE to shoot people like you on sight.

It is sooo satisfying to kill those pve farmboys and see their bodies fade away. Their 20 hours of griefing for non dangerous loot being null and void. Thats what i love!

Don't get me wrong' date=' i am the kind of person that would NEVER backstab someone, if we agreed to not kill each other, then i won't, end of story.

And if someone managed to sneak up on me (should be hardly impossible) and is low to semi-well geared and salutes or stuff, i won't shoot, sure.

But normally, you griefing farmers just farm around, and i am waiting for you somewhere, so the next screen you see, normally without even seeing me is "You are dead".

So... Wikipedia tells me: "A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players."

I never did that, and will never do that. Also, i hate cheating. Would you please explain where you see griefing, when i (for example, could also be any other player) travel the map and search for nice equipment. Maybe meeting up with a friend and playing together, sneaking, searching and killing zombies.

How the hell is this griefing?

How is this irritating or harrasing you?

So in your opinion, when we have some kind of Apocalypse, people should not work together and use common sense to get back any kind of order and normal life, but should mindlessly run around and kill each other off, until the rest has died out?


Edited by xenomat

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To be honest.

I LOVE to shoot people like you on sight.

It is sooo satisfying to kill those pve farmboys and see their bodies fade away. Their 20 hours of griefing for non dangerous loot being null and void. Thats what i love!

Don't get me wrong' date=' i am the kind of person that would NEVER backstab someone, if we agreed to not kill each other, then i won't, end of story.

And if someone managed to sneak up on me (should be hardly impossible) and is low to semi-well geared and salutes or stuff, i won't shoot, sure.

But normally, you griefing farmers just farm around, and i am waiting for you somewhere, so the next screen you see, normally without even seeing me is "You are dead".


Griefing for non dangerous loot? I'm not following you. Perhaps English is not your first language, which is fine but what are you implying? That people working together to survive is somehow making your experience less enjoyable?

People with your attitude is the reason we kill on sight. Which is unfortunate because I am sure there are plenty of nice players out there.

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You DO know' date=' that people might respond "I'm friendly - don't shoot!" and 5 sec later, they put a bullet in your back ?!

Since having had that situation, I also shoot on sight.

U simply can't afford trusting anybody you don't know. Just like in a "real" Apocalypse;)


Yeah try saying that to a sniper 800-1200m away :P

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"So me & my crew adopted a shoot on sight rule this week"

Thats your problem right there.

Especially in a group where supply distribution and rescue operations can be part of your gaming experience.

A loner has more reason to Shoot on Sight but any group can afford to have more flexibility in interaction.

For instance coming up with an interaction process where one group member confronts other players and the others provide cover.

Or you can just take the non-creative easy route of SoS and gripe about what a poor mechanic it is.

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A loner has more reason to Shoot on Sight but any group can afford to have more flexibility in interaction.

For instance coming up with an interaction process where one group member confronts other players and the others provide cover.


Thats how we recruited a group of 2, a loner and yesterday a group of 4 people to play with us.

Usually I am the moron running in and screaming FRIENDLYYYYYY in direct chat. Until now i did not get killed in the Process. Even though I always make clear I am not alone and covered.

//edit quoted wrong text :D

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So... Wikipedia tells me: "A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players."

I think the definition for griefing is a bit more than that. But yeah' date=' you (maybe not exactly you, but PvE farmboys), farming around me, demanding penalties for PvP in a PvP game, just going pointless from loot to loot and being maxed without danger (and then maybe start PvP, cause what else is there to do, i mean come on, Zeds are dangerous on vet or hard, although you don't play these modes, but in the end, they can't shoot you from 800meters), then you are a griefer for me.

To put it more exact: You loot my possible loot like a farming machine and get mad if you don't prepare looting like i do (observation etc.), but then being shot on sight. You get mad if you get shot north of electro, although everybody knows its an area for high gear sniping. I don't like the high gear sniping aswell, so i normally just don't move there. But you can't stand there is loot too dangerous to actually loot. This game is all about intel (read: intelligence, like observation and knowing movement), and i already ambushed quite some PvE farmboys, trust me, they don't care about intel.

You still didn't get it? When i raid NE airfield and we are enough guys, we cover the whole fuckin area before we move in (had a nice tactical shootout there that did last like 30 minutes and had hardly any shots fired (INTEL!)). And what about you farmboys? He moves in with his friend, not covering anything and then being mad because he got shot.

Why did he got shot? Because we were raiding the airfield and we had intel. Easy as that.

I dunno what that conclusion by yours was about not working together. Srsly, this game sucks hard playing alone. So ofc, go get at least one buddy.

Maybe chosing the word griefing was not the best idea, but demanding to only farm (even read about PvE servers) in a game that offers so much more is foul playing imo, which is griefing.

Griefing for non dangerous loot? I'm not following you. Perhaps English is not your first language, which is fine but what are you implying?

You see, thats it! You with your farmboy attitude don't even understand this, how you offend people who play the game differently. In fact english is not my native language, but i had hoped i can still be understood.

You just don't understand that in a game, where the next thing out of nowhere can be that you are dead, farming is pointless? Just play it, be happy with what you find, and have some more interesting goals than getting max geared.

Still don't get it? The better gear you have the more dangerous you are normally. So it must be dangerous for you to gear up in the first place.

People with your attitude is the reason we kill on sight. Which is unfortunate because I am sure there are plenty of nice players out there.

Trust me, i would love to meet you ingame (although i don't think you would have any chance at all), but i don't play on non vet and 3dp abuse servers.

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Griefing refers to causing other players grief, i.e. purposely ruining their fun because you get a kick out of it. Or in other words, what the 12 year olds are doing in Cherno when they snipe weaponless noobs for no reason and cover the entire city in duped razor wire.

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Zombies are so easy to avoid, kill its quite amusing... the only real challenge and fun (for the more skilled/experienced players) is PvP.

Nowdays, my team merely see zombies as a nuisance when pvping.

I have just over 1,000 zombie kills.. and thats purely killing zombies whos got in my way when pvping. People say zombies are hard... starting without a weapon is difficult... people want PvE only servers? To do what exactly? Crawl past zombies 24/7? You can use ANY gun... any gun at all and run through a town/city... pull all zombies and then back-peddle and wait for the 'hit' animation and then shot them calmy, or you could just run inside a building, and then calmy headshot zombies one by one...

Zombies in this game makes pvp slightly more challenging, more fun (sometimes frustrating when they get in my way). But what would this game be without pvp and only zombies?

An utter and complete joke.

Whats the point of me having an AS50 + MK 48... NVG, range finder... etc etc.. to kill zombies? I can kill cherno's population of zombies with a melee weapon or a makarov... no challenge.

This is directed towards all you no skilled players AKA carebears.

I feed on your tears.

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Oh Miyo, you are evidently uber pr0 and all should bow before you.

Also you seem to have perfect knowledge of Rocket's own mind so you are entitled to tell all of these carebear n00bz how the game should be played!

Bravo dear Sir, bravo!

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Yet another person who makes some good points but then goes on to ruin all his credibility and respectability by talking about carebears and feeding on tears.

I think the game needs PvP and the zombies are pretty much a joke, too, though.

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Yes Rocket, make the game EVEN MORE HARDER. The harder the game - the more PVP and PK.

Make vehicles MORE harder to get, so that only grouped bandits and clans can have them!

Superb job!

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