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So me & my crew adopted a shoot on sight rule this week. Which is a damn shame. I'm sure there are plenty of nice players out there just trying to survive, help out there fellow man, kill zombies. Unfortunately there is no way to identify people intentions so we kill on sight.

This really bothers me as this is the best survival horror game to come out in over a decade. So obviously the people playing share a similar interest & recognize the mod for what it is. Everytime we kill someone I cannot help but wonder if things were different if he/she could have turned out to be a great friend/gaming buddy.

I would really like to see designated PvE servers. There is no reason why this could not be implemented. You could prevent said servers from being able to transfer items to "hardcore servers". That way everyone is happy. PKer's can keep griefing & the rest of the community can work together & do what they enjoy most - killing zombies.

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You could easily gear up on a pve server then hop on over to a pvp server and wreak havoc for a considerable amount of time (be it against established players or coast griefing).

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Just yell out "DON'T SHOOT, FRIENDLY" in direct chat. If they respond, spare thier life, if they don't respond then kill them.

It's pretty easy and no need to shoot on sight. Most people will generally give you the once over before they shoot you.

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You DO know, that people might respond "I'm friendly - don't shoot!" and 5 sec later, they put a bullet in your back ?!

Since having had that situation, I also shoot on sight.

U simply can't afford trusting anybody you don't know. Just like in a "real" Apocalypse;)

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I'd really like you to man the fuck up and accept responsibility for your actions instead of whining about rules. You are allowed to keep trusting people, and you are allowed to be the scourge you claim to hate. Choice makes the game great, not soft squishy corners.

You miss the point of this game by such a massive margin.

Quit if you don't like PvP. Just... leave. Go. Take your carebear, hypocrite friends with you.

Rocket's not going to change it. Ever. He's said so. Get over it. These threads are useless.

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I don't shoot on sight and I've rarely been killed by a bandit. the last bandit that killed me took a shotgun blast to the face in the process.

I guess its a question of how stealthy you are generally speaking, I nearly always spot other ppl before they spot me. in fact the only time i've been killed by a bandit recently if memory serves was a backstab job, should of seen it coming rly.. got me to help carry some med supplies out of elektro hospital then shot me in the back once we were out of the town.

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Seriously use direct chat to quickly identify your intentions in encounters, it will solve your problems.

Of course players are going to shoot when survivors are running around with guns pointing them at eachother and not saying anything. Use direct chat.

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I saluted when I met other survivors. If I had anything to give I will give..

When I saw another Survivor I would run over to them, glade to seem them.

I try and help out other Survivors, I once watch a bleeding man running for his life with 4 behind him, I shoot the back 2 then follow and take out the other 2. He stops and crouches, I drop bandage and coke. He takes and drink and wraps, We are now an army of 2 we stick together, he follows- but unarmed, I have a side arm and rifle, I give them my side arm, He shoots me in the head..

I see Survivor - I am unarmed I run away

I see Survivor, I'm armed, I'm killing you

I have blood lust

I seek out people to kill..

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If I have nothing, I find I can be more successful saying "FRIENDLY."

The moment those people see my Coyote Pack and silenced weapons, I'm done.

The game really does enforce PVP only. There is no real way to group up unless you both spawn nearby and are both totally unarmed.

Typically, when you both are unarmed, and start following one another around you can both gear up together and share. But don't try this with someone who is already armed.

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I think it would become to easy, and the pvp servers would be full with CoD kiddies anyway, there would be no in-between anymore.

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I think you're right on shooting on sight, ifnou don't you'll probabl het killed, who knows? You're dealing with internet, that's how it works.

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If I have nothing' date=' I find I can be more successful saying "FRIENDLY."

The moment those people see my Coyote Pack and silenced weapons, I'm done.

The game really does enforce PVP only. There is no real way to group up unless you both spawn nearby and are both totally unarmed.

Typically, when you both are unarmed, and start following one another around you can both gear up together and share. But don't try this with someone who is already armed.


Exactly this...

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For the first 2 weeks I played I never shot at another player, and always said in direct comms, "don't shoot I'm friendlah!" This behavior netted me a character that never got past 4 hours old. Since I started shooting everyone I see, I have had this character for 5 days (about 20 hours played). This makes me sad, because I have met a few nice people in game, but I'd rather live a longer life, than have a 5 minute chat before getting shot in the back of the head.

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Unless real consequences for killing others is implemented, people will shoot you. It's that simple. In other games I have played with open PvP, there are usually consequences for being a "murderer", usually similar to having a certain amount of murders flag your appearance or imparting some level of punishment, like stat loss on respawn for an amount of time that decays depending on how many murders performed. Not that I advocate this type of mechanic in this game. It's a pretty good setting for the "kill or be killed" dynamic.

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From what I have seen from replys on this thread and others are the only ones who put these types of ideas down are those who thrive off of being those bandits. It is those who have already farmed their server and built up a camp with tons of loot that are bandits and pk others giving new players no chance to enjoy the game or even attempt to survive. This in turn is driving new players away from the game because they have no chance to survive for any length of time. I understand that there is pvp in Day Z and I agree with it for the sake of realism but just to keep it in that realism state there needs to be some kind of punishment for being a bandit. In real life, even during the end of all life, you can't be an evil person without having some kind of consequence for your evil actions.

Anyways I know that my reply will bring a flaming attack of biblical purportions ... but as I said those who flame ideas like these are those who already have established all the gear they need from their own looted server. So I say to those flamers .... flame on bandit boys!

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I don't see the reason to implement a "Punishment" system for killing another player, its a moral choice in the game. I did like the fact that you look like a bandit if you where one but now that fun part is gone so I don't know. I guess PVP will just run rampart in the game, kill everyone you see or be killed.

The only way you would slow it down is taking out the aspect that you loose all the gear you have collected, lets face it, that's why we are killing, to get more beans and Pepsi! And to stop that other guy from getting the beans and Pepsi you don't have!

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I don't understand this "if they dont respond just kill them" crap. Chat is blocked for me in almost every server I join people but for some reason people can still chat in team and global but it will not let me so lots of times people start shooting at me and end up dead because of this and all I am doing is trying to survive.

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I don't understand this "if they dont respond just kill them" crap. Chat is blocked for me in almost every server I join people but for some reason people can still chat in team and global but it will not let me so lots of times people start shooting at me and end up dead because of this and all I am doing is trying to survive.

try switching the chat to Direct Chat instead of Global Chat which is what its set by default, which is blocked

as for the punishments for murderers, when rocket took out the bandit skin he said that the humanity level will stay in for undisclosed purposes (probably because he hadnt thought of anything for it yet, but hes busy, its understandable) so dont worry you guys im sure something is being worked on. hes already fixed the careless marakov weilding fresh spawns by giving us no weapons at start, so something will come... or not. if not, it keeps to the realism that is DayZ and im fine with that. i get murdered unarmed constantly, and it makes me mad, but then i change how i approach the situation. Learn.

Carry steak, morphine and bandages with you and shoot players legs, break them or knock them out. take their weapon, bandage them, feed them, bring them back to full function, give them a weapon, walk behind them.... force them into friendship!!!

change yourself to fit the game we all love, dont change the game we all love to fit yourself

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When i first started playing i tried to be trusting, but i started playing when nobody trusts each other. Unfortunately you learn to adapt to survive so i have also went to shoot on site unless they are unarmed, then I generally ignore them. But it is in the age where no one cares about others wellbeing and only their own; your only true friends are friends from out of game (for the most part).

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You could easily gear up on a pve server then hop on over to a pvp server and wreak havoc for a considerable amount of time (be it against established players or coast griefing).


I'd really like you to man the fuck up and accept responsibility for your actions instead of whining about rules. You are allowed to keep trusting people' date=' and you are allowed to be the scourge you claim to hate. Choice makes the game great, not soft squishy corners.

You miss the point of this game by such a massive margin.

Quit if you don't like PvP. Just... leave. Go. Take your carebear, hypocrite friends with you.

Rocket's not going to change it. Ever. He's said so. Get over it. These threads are [b']useless.

No... you go Mr. Assuming you know whats what? Please, leave. Go back to wanking away while playing Battlefield 1942. They miss you. It is time.

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it keeps to the realism that is DayZ and im fine with that.

DayZ is not realistic in anyway.

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That's what makes the game intense. People like you see the zombies as the main enemies and the players as a bonus to the game,while it's the opposite.

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