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=HA= Heavily Armed

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I don't mean "create another clan" per say.. but just have a small group of us with Tags on, and not accept applications or anything. I guess what I'm trying to say is make a group with tags.

If you want to hear something funnier, I'm currently on the phone line with xsolla to get my refund for WarZ. What a horrible game.

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Not stationed anywhere yet. I'm JUST getting in haha, but thanks! With the standalone out though, I'm gonna have to build a new rig. This Mac isn't bad though. Can play quite a few games (I really only use it for starcraft lol).

Yeah I have you on steam now brother. Think we should reboot =HA= at some point? If the standalone is hacker-less I can see smokey and flossy getting back into it. Same with Vorlin, Synix and Curgon. I haven't seen lapis on lately though lol.

I got Lapis on steam I'm sure he'll come back for SA. You play SC2? We should get some games in sometime I've been playing since beta on and off =D. I'm down to do it whenever to be honest I'm still here playing, I play a lot more ACE/ACRE now but I still play DayZ even though it gets pretty boring without people to play with. You should come check out the server I play on now pretty populated private hive, I've yet to be killed by a hacker and they do rollbacks if it happens.

Lol i find this to be funny

Member Since Today, 06:22 AM

Hmmmm who might this be?

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I don't mean "create another clan" per say.. but just have a small group of us with Tags on, and not accept applications or anything. I guess what I'm trying to say is make a group with tags.

If you want to hear something funnier, I'm currently on the phone line with xsolla to get my refund for WarZ. What a horrible game.

I'm down for whatever Idc. Idky you would pay for such a piece of shit game to begin with. The whole thing was just a straight rip of DayZ and I would sooner trust Rocket with my life than jump to some other scrub trying to rip off his ideas, Rocket is the fucking man. Anyway Idk if you've seen this http://i.imgur.com/62kg1.jpg but you should get youre money back lol plus all the other scummy shit surrounding WarZ it was a joke to begin with.

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Ahh that other account is probably Blackshits. He doesn't have much of a life so I'm not surprised.

Ahaha, trust me... Before I purchased the game I made sure refund was possible. Someone at work wanted me to try it out with him. I'm off work again tomorrow, so I'll reinstall DayZ and tweak it the best I can on my mac until I can built a new Desktop. I'm saving for Laser Eye Surgery too while $1000 of the cost is still covered under my father's health plan, it's gonna run me around three grand though, so i'll have to see. I might just pay the extra grand and get it later, lollll.

Well, I was thinking. Remember when we used to play in just a group? Before we started recruiting, etc. It would be fun to go back to that. We can play as a clan, but not recruit; or only take someone into our group if we want. So there isn't really any commitment to HAVE to play everyday. It would answer your issue of not having (good) people to play with. I'm sure Floss and smoke would be up to that. Vorlin said he would still play, but not until the standalone came out.

PM me the name of that Server dude, I'm game to play in it. I'll PM you my SCII friend code.

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Oh wow, I didn't know you guys were still active. Was trying to find some other people, and ended up finding some more cool guys!

Edit: Sorry that I never mentioned where I went or my reasons for not returning. My girlfriend kinda forced me into a situation that relied on putting my entire focus on school. I also had some early health problems that required some focus as well. By the time I wanted to visit you guys again, the site displayed that homage to all the members and I felt kinda bad.

Would love to get back in the group and do a kickstart back in it. I knew some pretty dedicated people, and it would be cool if we could do Friday and weekend events with both DayZ, ARMA 2/3 and other games. Would like to get a style that resembles ShackTac.

Edit 2: Also, I'll be on my winter break starting this week. Maybe we can hook up sometime during this week/weekend, or in the future. Nice to see you toast and candy, hope to talk to you soon if it occurs.

Edited by xenofei

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CandyMan do you play on the Dallas DayZ Madness server? I thought i saw your name the other day on there.

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Nickname: Zach

Time Zone: US EST

Steam Name: Draconis

DayZ Name:


Best DayZ Role (e.g. Sniping, Support, Scouting):

I can fulfill any role needed. My specialties are rifleman or scouting

Why Do You Deserve This Membership?:

I'm an experienced player, quick learner, easy to work with and friendly.

What Is Your Current Humanity?:

sitting at about -1500, got into a shoot out at the NWAF, came out on top.

Would You Eliminate Other Players Who Are Not In Our Clan? If So, Why?:

Yes, if you have gear then you have something of value to me or my possible clan. It is a survival game and it's survival of the fittest. If you can eliminate a target without putting yourelf or team mates in danger, then by all means do it.

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Nickname: Zach

Time Zone: GMT -7

Steam Name: Draconis

DayZ Name:


Best DayZ Role (e.g. Sniping, Support, Scouting):

I can fulfill any role needed. My specialties are rifleman or scouting

Why Do You Deserve This Membership?:

I'm an experienced player, quick learner, easy to work with and friendly.

What Is Your Current Humanity?:

sitting at about -1500, got into a shoot out at the NWAF, came out on top.

Would You Eliminate Other Players Who Are Not In Our Clan? If So, Why?:

Yes, if you have gear then you have something of value to me or my possible clan. It is a survival game and it's survival of the fittest. If you can eliminate a target without putting yourelf or team mates in danger, then by all means do it.

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