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Lexta (DayZ)

Can an Serveradmin ban a hacker/Buguser/Exploiter?

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Hey guys!

I want to ask if a serverowner has the possibility to ban a player from his server, from which he knows that he uses glitches, bugs, exploits and probably uses hacks? We managed to record the guy while he clones his chars etc to dupe the gear. This guys has also allways weapons with infinite ammo etc. We reportet him miltiple times, but until now nothing happened. We are really tired of fighting against this jerk on our server. But the Serverowner thinks he hasn't the possibility to ban someone. So i wanted to ask you guys ?


I searched for answers, but they were different (Yes, No, Yes but the serverowner can loose the server).

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The server owner cannot ban a player but he can kick him from the server.



Mmmh okay thanks. Yea we did that for around 100 times, but this guy just join again and again....

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