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idea for trust-building-mechanic

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this approach tries to benefit friendly play without giving too much penalties to bandits creating a win-win-scenario for both factions to balance the gameplay. over time bandits have to play friendly for a short while to lower penalties. this way more people need to trust each other. interesting idea in my opinion. have a nice read.

lets work with what we have: the humanity system.

you should start with 0. make it possible for players to make groups. you gain points over time by playing in a group. with (humanity < 0) you have a penalty on gaining points to make it harder to shift between factions.

with every kill of a survivor you get like (-100 humanity) and in certain intervals you get low penalties maybe on sight or aim or a higher consumption of food and water.

playing long time in groups as survivor adds points to your humanity as survivor. in certain intervalls you gain bonuses like the opposite of the penalties for bandits.

playing in a group as a bandit killing a survivor should give every group member like: -100 and maybe +( group bonus 5-10%). in adition the mentioned slower gaining of positive humanity-points for 'being a bandit in a group'.

its a quickshot. i thought about it like 10minutes and thought 'hey i could post that'.


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I believe most of the community agrees that punishing bandits is not the way to go, but rewarding survivors is.

At the moment though, I can't think of how to tweak your idea to suit that common mindset. Too tired.

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punishing is a hard word. i wouldnt use it.

the penalties can be really low like simply having shaky hands from time to time. to lose them you just have to team up and stop killing like rambo for a while and you can go hunting survivors again. i think this can balance things quite well if the tuning fits.

oh and its an alpha you can throw things out that dont work ^^

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No matter what word you'd like to use for it. I'm with Dreganius on this one. Posts on the forums have been a clear indicator that penalties/punishing someone's play style is not the way forward.

You're removing the sandbox lawlessness of DayZ and Policing their actions. Even if it's a minor thing like shaky hands (which would be huge, if they're a sniping bandit).

There's several posts about with similar tones to them, the general response I'm seeing across all of these is Let people play they way THEY want, with no penalties and/or benefits.

However, add co-op elements to the game, which are simply impossible solo. This, and this alone will make people work together(however briefly), it shouldn't matter if it makes a group of bandits work together, or a group of survivors. The end result is still co-op.

When you start imposing penalties / benefits. You start down the slippery path of un-balanced sides. with nerfs and buffs. We need to steer clear of this. If possible. Lets not create a desirable "role" to play in this sandbox game.

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to be honest. we already have a system with benefits and penalties. its called open pvp in sandbox. which i like. but its totally unbalanced right now.

so the approach should be to bring it to balance.

bandits-> benefits: quick loot for killing people + some kind of satisfaction to make even senseless kills just for fun. downside: none.

survivor-> benefits: none ; downside: lose all gear to a random bandit.

so this totally unbalanced situation would become a little bit more equal.

its as simple as that.

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If there was no benefits to being a survivor then every single player would be a bandit, but you know they aren't and that there are plenty of friendly players.

There's no need to punish/reward for playing the way you want (unless exploiting/cheating).

A lot of people turn to banditry because they are annoyed of being killed all the time but a lot of people are avoid getting into firefights and help people when needed.

Short version: If you need incentive to be good, why even pretend that you don't want to kill others. If you don't want to kill other players and are fine with helping people, why let "no reward" or how other people play stop you from playing like that?

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I agree that there shouldn't be anything that says to you how good or a bad guy you are. There should be only encouragement to achieve something with people and not alone like IRL.

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sorry i cant respond properly because i dont understand your point sir. and i think you dont understand mine.

i'm fine with that. next.

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Ok, I'll shorten it for you.

Bandits/Survivors are fine how they are at the moment, no need to add punishments or rewards for certain types of behaviour.

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